
  「嗯...」生平首次被如此正式稱作『老師』的我很是受寵若驚、深感忐忑不已。我的惶恐其來有自,畢竟我真的沒有當過學校老師的經驗;事實上是我也沒有修過教育學程,連課本教材也是報到那天才領取,教得還不是本科(國文),對於如何進行教學、講課的臺風、口條的表達上,都是一張未經驗證的白紙... 全身上下唯一符合應徵資格的條件只有一項:那便是「東海大學歷史系畢業」,真的是美哉吾校!(攤手~)
     "Miss R, I really appreciated that you would like to come our school, do us a big favor! Thank you!"Director Of Academic Affairs told me about that at the first time we saw each other.
     "Well..., you are welcome...." I replied with no confidence, this was the first time somebody called me as "TEACHER" so formal! Definitely I felt very embarrassed because I never be a real teacher in junior high school, what's more, I didn't get any kinds of formal training for becoming a teacher! Even that day also was my first time to see the textbook of Chinese Literatures (Chinese Literature is not my major......) Here was the only one reason why I was chosen: I graduated from the Department of History in Tunghai Univesity. Yeah! Thanks  Alma Mater(Tunghai University) for giving me such an unique chance!
     Thanks God! I was so nervous about facing 20 around unknown students soon actually..... 
    Some of my friends said I was pretty lucky one. Here was one job which already been waiting for me as soon as I finished Working Holiday Visa in Australia. But they cannot imagine how easy and rush I got this job... Too easy to believe, I was shocked as well based on the lack of educational resource in countryside.
     I am from Makung(Magong) City, the capital of Penghu County(Pescadores) in Taiwan. The Xiyu Junior High where I gonna stay is at the middle of Xiyu Town. Xiyu (Also spelt as "Siyu" or "Hsiyu")is located at the most west side in Penghu Main Islands. We also call Xiyu as "The Island of Fisherman", as far as I am concerned, Xiyu is the most beautiful place in Penghu Main Islands sincerely. There is famous Penghu Bay Bridge which connects Xiyu island with other towns in Penghu, but it looks like different worlds as you cross the bridge. Xiyu is always so silent at night time, no shops, no people even few cars on the way, you will forget time in here easily, all you can talk is the star and you will hear the replication from the waves. Xiyu is so silent like its name, unknown. Tourists visit Penghu easy to forget here, they prefer stay popular and lively place like Makung City, instead of staying Xiyu longer, that is quite pity! Actually it just costs 40-50 mins driving from Makung to Xiyu, not really far.
  卻也因為西嶼鄉地處邊陲,人口外流嚴重,西嶼國中時時面臨招生或教師來源能否維繫班級數的窘境,導致不能輕易開正式缺,只能聘代課缺,但相對而言流動率就高...... 我就是託上一位代課老師十一月份非常急著離職的鴻福,彷彿趕鴨子上架地開啟了我來鄉下當代課老師的因緣。
    Population decreases a lot in Xiyu based on its location. Xiyu Junor High often faces the problems like the source of students... not really enough to compose classes, and teachers changed frquently not stable at all..... Therefore, the reason why I can get job is the last part-time teacher quited job and left very rush in November, wish I could finish this semester successfully~.