I can still remember the day I received my first postcrossing address. I was so excited about it that I wrote two postcards because I had too many things to share with her. Few weeks later, she got the pastcard and asked me why I spent so much money to mail it. Afterwards, I knew that my mom spent 98 dollars to send the card. How expensive my first postcard was!


Three months passed and I have received 12 postcards from 8 different countries including Taiwan. The first one l received was from Portugal. To be honest, I was a little disappointed after I saw there were only 2 sentences on the postcard. However, there were many postcards written by attentive people. One of my favorite postcards was from a 48 year-old woman in Germerny. Though I could't understand all words she wrote, I really liked her card. I was always happy when I received the cards which had cute pictures on them like the card from Japan and from Sih Chuan, the home to pandas.


It was interesting to me to receive new addresses. I liked to get many addresses to know who was the next people l would send the postcards to. I enjoyed the sense of surprise so that I even got 6 addresses at one time. I also enjoyed writing cards to different people from all over the world.


Thanks to postcrossing, I have more chances to touch the world and experience different cultures. I can get sense of accomplishment when receiving or sent. I can't describe the feeling when someone replies me that he/she is happy to receive my postcard especially when my card is favorite. Actually I think some people wrote postcards carelessly in order to collect postcards quickerly. Bur I still want to keep using postcrossing in the future and get in touch with the world more.

