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Dispatch ranks the Girl Groups of 2013

October 14, 2013 @ 2:19 pm

Read more: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2013/10/dispatch-ranks-the-girl-groups-of-2013#ixzz2mt6ktEuU
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As usual, the competition among the trending idol girl groups has been fiercely intense in the year of 2013. They have been releasing albums left and right, filming CFs, doing individual events, and more to get their name out  there. 



Media outlet Dispatch ranked the top girl groups of 2013 by giving them scores based on various factors such as music album sales, music scores  (based on digital charts), YouTube views, music show wins, rankings on  overseas iTunes charts, number of fan cafe members, and more.  Out of all  the songs a girl group may have promoted during the year, the song with the best  score was chosen as the standard for each category's points.



Dispatch ranking 2013 Girls 

Although the competition may have been fierce, Girls' Generation unsurprisingly grabbed the number one spot with quite a lead, more than tripling  the score of second place runner-ups SISTAR




Girls Generation  

Girls' Generation won first place with a total of 1,194 points for their 2013  hit song "I Got a Boy," which was ranked in third place for the music  score category.  The girls received a lot of points (709) thanks to the  high number of views on YouTube, which were almost six times the amount of  second-place group for this category, 2NE1.  Girls' Generation got  about 70 million views while 2NE1 got about 13 million views.  Their fourth  album 'I Got a Boy' sold about 290,000 copies and they had 21 events, 31  pictorials, 25 advertisements, garnering a total of 177 points in that category.

少女時代的"I Got a Boy"以總分1,194佔據了第一的位子,同時也在音源成績上取得了第三名。她們在YouTube的瀏覽人次項目中以極高的分數(709)奪冠,比起同項目的第二名2NE1多了將近六倍。她們的MV累積了七千萬人次的觀賞數據,2NE1則有一千三百萬人次的瀏覽紀錄。少時的第四張專輯"I Got a Boy"賣出約290,000張,參加了21個大型活動、31次的拍攝活動、25支廣告代言,在這個項目得到了177分。


Having released "Give  it to Me" in July, SISTAR won first place in the category for most wins on  music shows, having won twice on 'Inkigayo,' twice on 'Music  Core,' and three times on 'Music Bank.'  The song also got  second place in the music score category.  Because of their busy schedule,  they only ranked number five in the category for events, pictorials, and  CFs.

七月推出"Give it to Me"的SISTAR在音樂節目獲獎次數的項目上得到了第一名,包括兩度在人氣歌謠奪冠、兩座Music Core的獎盃及三次Music Bank的榜首榮譽。這首歌也在音源成績的項目上獲得第二。可惜她們馬不停蹄的行程讓她們只能在活動、拍攝及廣告項目獲得第五。


f(x) made a lot of music sales with their second album 'Pink  Tape,' released in July.  They sold about 70,000 copies, grabbing the  number two spot in the category.  A Pink followed them in third  place for a total of 35,000 copies.  Quite a difference.  f(x) is also  very popular overseas, being number one on the iTunes charts for six different  countries: Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, and Cambodia.   Within two years, their MV also got almost 13 million views on  YouTube.

f(x)七月發行的第二張專輯"Pink Tape"有很好的專輯銷售成績,她們賣出了將近70,000張,並在這個項目得到第二。A Pink以35,000張的銷售成績落在後頭得到了第三。f(x)同時也在海外有著非常高的人氣,在六個不同國家的榜單位列第一,包括新加坡、印尼、馬來西亞、臺灣、泰國及柬埔寨。兩年內,她們的MV在YouTube累積有近一千三百萬的觀賞人次。


4minute released their fourth mini-album 'What's Your Name' in  April, accumulating a total of about 104 million points on Gaon Chart for first  place in music score.  They have about 35,000 members in their fan cafe  while they were at a poor disadvantage in the category for foreign iTunes chart  rankings.  Gayoon participated in six events on her own while  Hyuna participated in four CFs.  The group got fourth place for  YouTube views (~ 12 million) and fifth place for music sales (~ 14,000  copies).

4minute在四月發行了她們的第四張迷你專輯"What's your Name",在Gaon榜以總共一億四百萬點佔據音源一位。她們有35,000名的粉絲後援同時在海外iTune榜單上的排名也有不錯的表現。嘉允進行了六個個人活動、炫雅也擁有四個廣告代言。在YouTube瀏覽人次的項目中,她們已將近一千兩百萬的累積人次佔據第四,並在專輯銷售上以近14,000張的成績獲得第五名。


2NE1 proved very popular overseas.  They released "Falling in Love"  in July, which became number one on seven different countries' iTunes charts:  Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, Brunei, and Hong Kong.   They got second place for YouTube points (134) with a total of 13 million  views.  However, their scores within Korea were relatively low because  "Falling in Love" was a digital single.  As they did not sell any physical  albums, there were no points in that category.  Their points in the  promotion category were also low as YG minimized the girls' exposure, putting  them in ninth place for nine pictorials and three CFs.  Regardless, they  won second place for the number of fan cafe members (~ 78,000).

2NE1在海外擁有非凡的人氣。七月推出的"Falling in Love"在七個國家的iTune排行榜上位居第一,包括馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡、臺灣、越南、汶萊及香港。在YouTube瀏覽人次上以134分及一千三百萬的紀錄獲得第二名。但是他們在韓國國內所獲得的分數卻非常的低,因為"Falling in Love"是數位單曲,因為她們並沒有進行任何的實體銷售,因此在這個項目裡沒有得到任何分數。她們在宣傳項目得分也很低,因為YG限制了她們的曝光量,使她們僅以九次拍攝及三個廣告在這個項目獲得第九名。不過,她們在粉絲人數的項目上以將近78,000的數字得到了第二名。

Dispatch 2013 Girl Group Ranking  
