以下翻譯自2016 年 Radio Time 此篇文章訪談: http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2016-01-03/shaun-evans-talks-endeavour-series-three-hollywood-and-whether-hed-star-in-doctor-who

本人並非翻譯高手, 英文能力普通, 只因目前在努力閱讀 Shaun evans 的相關資料, 台灣有關他的資料真的很少, 只好當起自耕農, 順便將閱讀過的資料放上來! 但在翻譯過程中真的覺得自己的英文能力有限, 所以以下翻譯也請看過的人不要認真: ( 真是不負責任, 哈哈)



So what has brought you back to Endeavour for a third series? 是甚麼讓你再回來飾演 Morse
I didn't feel like we should have left it where we did last time. It would have been odd. As a viewer, I would have been dissatisfied to have left it there because you'd have only been telling half the story. Luckily enough, we had the opportunity to come back to do some more and I think the stories are really good - particularly the final one. It goes along at a lick. It's a bank heist but it's also a love story. And it's heartbreaking. I think it's great and it ends in a really satisfying way. 我不認為我們喜歡離開當我們做最後( 指第二季) 那很奇怪, 作為一個觀眾, 我會不滿已經離開因為故事只說了一半. 幸運的是我們可以有機會再回來做, 故事也真的很好, 是一個搶劫銀行但也是一個愛的故事. 而且令人心碎.很偉大而且用很滿意的方式結束.

The character of Morse has now been around for 40 years - why has he endured? Morse 這角色已經有40 年了? 為何?
A good story well told will stand the test of time. And if you throw in an unusual character - someone who is in a world but not of that world - then that's intriguing. 很好的故事總是經得起時間的考驗, 如果你拋出一個不平常的角色—有一個人在世界中但又不在世界中…. 非常有趣!

The original series of Inspector Morse did episodes in Australia and Italy - would you like to do an overseas Endeavour? 原始的 Morse 角色有去澳洲及義大利辦案, 你也希望 Endeavour 這樣做嗎?
Well, they keep telling me that the character is going to Spain. But I can take myself to Malaga. I'm joking, but I'm being honest too. There is a Spanish idea, but I'd want it to be right. I don't want this job to be a jolly or something that we take for granted and phone in. There are so many variables to that kind of thing: would the locations be as good? Or the actors? Granted, it would be a laugh to go away with Roger Allam, but would it serve the show? 喔他們有跟我說會去西班牙, 我自己想去 Malaga, 當然這是玩笑話. 有一個西班牙的想法, 我希望是正確的。我不想要這份工作是一種快樂…… 接下來不太會翻…… 但總之他也會開玩笑, 真是可愛!

Does Endeavour Morse become more like you as the series goes on? 隨著劇情推展, 你覺得 Morse 變得更像你嗎?
I think that’s a danger, definitely. The more comfortable and confident you get with something, the easier it could be to be less diligent about creating a character. But then you’d be taking shortcuts that you might not have done three years ago. So I try not to be complacent about it. I want to be even more diligent than I was when I started. But I admit that it's a tricky one. 我認為這絕對是危險的, 感覺更多的舒適和自信, 越容易融入角色. 最後你就可能採取任何快捷的方式比起三年前, 所以我盡量的不自滿, 我要比剛開頭接這角色時更勤奮, 但我承認, 這是很微妙的. ------- 他真的很用心!

Having a two-hour slot for a drama seems like a privilege these days - do you worry that viewers' attention spans could be too short to cope?  目前觀眾注意力只有短時間而較難應付劇情較長的 Endeavour 嗎?
I don’t worry about it at all. I feel like the work we’ve done so far has been very good. Some have been better than others - as would be the case. But I feel pleased with it. Now if audiences change and they feel that the episodes are too long, boring or complicated, then we’ll just stop. That’s OK.

But I've seen some crime dramas that try to tell the story in an hour and, for me, it just doesn't work.You’re tyring to set up a killer, set up a world, solve it in an interesting or dynamic way and put in some character stuff as well. It’s nigh on impossible to do in an hour. I don’t think you can do it in a satisfying way. That’s my impression as an audience member. 我不擔心, 因為我覺得到目前為止我們所做的工作已經很不錯了。如果觀眾改變,他們覺得情節太長,枯燥或複雜的,那麼我們就停止, 沒關係。不過,我看到一些犯罪劇試圖在一個小時內講完故事, 對我來說沒辦法. 試圖在一個小時內建立一個殺手, 建立一個世界, 解決一個有趣或動態的方式把她述說完畢, 我不認為這是一個令人可以滿意的方式, 如果我是一個觀眾的話.

Fans would be up in arms if you decided to stop Endeavour! 粉絲會拿起武器對付你, 如果你不演 Endeavour 的話!
No. I don't think that'd happen. It's just work. And they'd just fill it with something else. There'll be another brilliant show. 不, 我想那不會發生, 那只是個工作, 觀眾只是希望有東西可以填補, 而會有另一些一個又一個的輝煌秀的……. 他看好開, 工作是工作, 他分得很清楚!

I think you'd make an ideal Doctor Who - would you like to play that role one day? 我想你是一個好的 Doctor Who 人選--- 你會想當這個角色嗎?

I’ve never seen it! I think Matt Smith is a brilliant actor. And David Tennant also. But it just wasn’t my thing growing up and I feel like I’ve missed it now. I was in Moscow a few months ago and someone asked me about Doctor Who. And she thought I'd make a good Master. So if you’re offering me a part, then I’ll play the Master. 我沒有見過這回事! 我認為馬特·史密斯是一位才華橫溢的演員, 大衛·田納特也是。但我認為那不ㄕ我的事而我現在已經錯過了。我前幾個月在莫斯科時,有人問我關於Doctor是誰 , 而問的人認為我可以成為一個優秀的 Doctor, 所以你又給我這部份的話, 那我就是 Doctor. ------ 所以他不排除 Doctor Who? 希望劇組找他!

What about playing James Bond? 對於扮演下一個 007 呢?
Well, everyone wants to play James Bond, right? He always gets the girl at the end. And in the middle. And at the beginning, come to think of it. But I think that Daniel Craig would be a tough act to follow. He brings something really interesting to it. 好了, 每個人都想當詹姆士龐德對不? 他總是從頭到尾都有女孩子! 得了吧!XDD. 但是我認為 Daniel Craig 後續者將是個艱難的任務, 他帶來的一些有趣的事. ----- 他好像很羨慕龐德左擁右抱…. XDD

Do you ever look at contemporaries like Benedict Cumberbatch and Eddie Redmayne and think, 'I'd like top billing in a Hollywood movie'? 你曾看著 BC 及 Eddie 然後也想要跟他們一樣在好萊塢發光嗎?

I know both those lads and I like them. But I never really think of my career like that. Of course, you want people to see your work, but I'm not interested in being the next so-and-so. It doesn't attract me. Mainly because it's short lived. It's better to keep working and do interesting stuff. 我知道這兩個小夥子而且喜歡他倆. 但我從來沒想過我的職業生涯會像他們。當然,你希望人們看到你的作品,但是我沒有興趣成為下一個誰。它不會吸引我, 主要是因為它是短暫的。對我來說最好的還是繼續工作,做有趣的東西。----- 不強求也很滿意目前的狀況, 好謙虛的一個人.

So being a big Hollywood star isn't all it's cracked up to be? 所以當一個好萊塢巨星不是你想要的?
I don't know. I suppose if you had enough clout to guarantee finance for a story you wanted to tell, then that would be a good thing. From a business point of view. But I don't spend my time being envious. There are so many variables in all that bollocks! When you desire fame or fortune - which are ephemeral things - you're building your house on sand, aren't you? 我不知道, 我想,如果你有足夠的影響力以保證財力對你想講的一個故事,那麼這將是一件好事。從商業的角度來看, 但是我不把我的時間拿來羨慕, 因為很多是胡說八道而有這麼多的變數!當你渴望名利如此短暫的東西等於是將房子建在沙灘上,不是嗎?-------- 好健康的心態!

Do you have a dream project that you'd like to do? 你有甚麼夢想中的計劃嗎?
I'd love to do something about poets or photographers who have done interesting things and left an impression on their portion of the world. Someone like the American photographer Walker Evans. Or the French poet Arthur Rimbaud.  我想做我有興趣的詩人或攝影師, 留下它們對世界上某部份深刻的印象, 例如美國的攝影師: Walker Evans 以及法國詩人 Arthur Rimbaud. --------在網路上找到有關詩人的簡介: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/2257/post/508080


So what's next for you? 你的下一步是甚麼?
I'm purposefully having some time off. I've been busy and I'd like a bit of time to read some books and just study. I want to educate myself on writers, photography, filmmaking and poetry. I'm very lucky that I've now got enough money to have a bit of time to myself and study. I'm very lucky to be in that position. 我的目標是有一些休息時間, 我一直很忙, 我想要有一些時間可以讀書及做研究, 我想教育自己成為作家, 攝影師, 電影工作者及詩人. 我很幸運現在有了足夠的錢有一些時間讓自己休息及學習, 我很幸運在這個位置. ------- 好棒, 讓我更愛他了!
