*以下資料時間:2014/09/09。The information is updated on 09/09/2014.English is also availbale.








1. 於土耳其停留日期的住宿證明。

2. 一張護照的大頭貼。

3. 保加利亞簽證或入境章。

4. 90 LEVA(相當於45歐)。



1. 將上述文件準備好,於大使館開館時間入內,取得簽證申請表。

2. 填寫好申請表,將上述文件及費用於櫃檯繳交。

3. 申請當天取得簽證。


*大使館地點:ул. Филип Македонски 10 (英文寫法:Ulica Filip Makedoncki No.10)

*開館時間:早上九點 - 中午十二點半(可接受申請資料) / 下午四點 - 下午六點(僅可領取簽證)



*For now,The citizen of most of European country could acquire visa at Turkish border.This is for Taiwanese passport holder and other countries' citizen who need visa to get into Turkey.



1. The hotel/hostel reservation during stay in Turkey.

2. 1 passport photo.

3. The copy page of your Bulgarian visa or entry stamp.

4. 90 LEVA(=45 Euros)



1. Bring all the paperwork and visit the consulate.Get the application and fill it.

2. Give all the paperwork to the officer and finish the payment.You'll get visa on the same day.


*The address of consulate:ул. Филип Македонски 10 (In English:Ulica Filip Makedoncki No.10)

*Opening Hours: 9am-12:30pm(Accepting application only) / 4pm-6pm(Acquiring visa only)

*The officer could speak English.No worries!
