Okonomiyaki Noodle.JPG  

兩個月前從日本回來後,迷上大阪燒,其實我喜歡的是有麵條的廣島燒,這天要去一個朋友家的趴,自己胡亂在冰箱裡找了幾樣材料,不知不覺就做成了照片中這盤炒麵,去到朋友家,一進門大家就埋怨,阿都喫飽了你纔到,炒麵一上桌,還是馬上秒殺光光,所以這炒麵還是挺有魅力的! 大家還都一直問,這個迷你荷包蛋,是用小鳥蛋炒的嗎? 我馬上說,這是不傳祕密喔! 只有上部落格纔有得看到喔!


I. 甘烹醬



 水               148 克

 薑片               2 片

 蒜泥            1/2 小匙

 紅糖            1/4 杯 [25克]

 醬油               1 大匙

 鹽                1/4 小匙

 米醋          1 1/2 小匙

 白胡椒粉      1/8 小匙

 乾辣椒             3 根  

 麥芽糖       1 1/2 小匙

 蜂蜜           2 1/4 小匙


II. 炒麵料


 培根,切丁         3 條

 洋蔥,切丁         1 顆



 日式新鮮Soba麵條      3 包

 花椰菜,燙熟              適量

 蛋,蛋白蛋黃,分開    3 顆



 醬油                 1/4 杯

 水                     1/4 杯

 白砂糖              1 大匙



1. 將A材料全部量入一個淺底的平底鍋中,加熱到沸騰,轉中小火,小滾到收乾一半,醬黏稠後,將醬汁部分倒出備用,辣椒和薑片可以留在鍋內,繼續下一個步驟。

 2. 用同一個淺鍋,加入培根和洋蔥,用中小火炒至香脆,約12-15分鐘。

 3. 同時可以另起一個油鍋,將Soba麵條放到抹了薄薄一層油的平底鍋中,先將麵條炒開,約3-5分鐘,接下來將D材料全部量入一個碗中,調勻,麵條炒開後,用D醬調味,將麵條炒到乾Q。

 4. 用合適的圓形餅乾切模,將蛋白蛋黃煎熟,成為迷你煎蛋。

 5. 將花椰菜擺在大盤的中間,把炒好的麵條圍繞的四周,擺上迷你煎荷包蛋一圈,花椰菜的上面,在擺上炒好的培根洋蔥料,適量淋上乾烹醬!

 6. 迷你煎蛋是麻煩了一點,但是如果上桌大家一定都會問,哎呀你這是用小鳥蛋煎的荷包蛋嗎?




Okonomiyaki Inspired Noodle

I. Sweet Boiled Sauce

A Ingredients                

Water                                  148 g

Giner, sliced                            2 slice

Garlic, Minced                      1/2 t

Brown Sugar                        1/4 Cup  [25 g]

Soy Sauce                               1 T

Salt                                        1/4 t

Rice Vinegar                       1 1/2 t

White pepper, ground            1/8 t

Dry Chili                                    3  

Malt Sugar                          1 1/2 t

Honey                                 2 1/4 t

II. Noodle Ingredients


Bacon, chopped                  3 slices

Onion, chopped                   1 head


Japanese Florets, blanched       to taste

Eggs, divided                           3 heads


Soy sauce          1/4 Cup

Water                  1/4 Cup

Sugar                     1 T


1.Measure all A ingredients into a shallow frying pan, heat until boiling, turn heat down to medium, reduce till thicken, drain the sauce, leave the chili and ginger in pan, continue.  

2. Using the same shallow frying pan, add chopped bacon and onion, cook until crispy, around 12-15 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, start another frying pan, lightly oil, then place the soba noodle into the frying pan, noodles will soften and be easily seperated.  Then Measure D ingredients into a bowl, stir to mix until sugar dissolved.  Then drizzle D sauce onto the noddle, fry until all sauce is absorbed and noodle is flavored and al dente.  

4. Use round cookie mold, fry mini fry eggs.

5. Arrange the broccolli florets in the middle of the platter, then place the noodles surrounding the broccoli florets, place the mini fry eggs on the outer ring, then scoop the bacon onion onto the cetner of the broccolli florets, drizzle with the sauce all over, but not too much.

6. Mini fry eggs are a handfull to make, but it will surely be a good conversation starter!


