詩人Christopher Poindexter曾這麼寫著詩「當我不在妳身邊時,兩人相隔的距離便是我唯一感到惱人的事;每當窗外的那道完美陽光,灑進我的房間時,妳的倩影總是這樣繽紛,而那咖啡的香味就像妳一般朝我襲來。我好想妳,即使妳就在我身邊;我總是夢到妳,即使妳就正在我臂膀裡沉睡著。那些我說著愛妳的言語,都無法完全表達我的心意,我想,該是我們要一起創造新詞來表達我們彼此的愛了。」這樣的濃烈愛意,是每個熱戀中的男女心中的感受,總是無法完全表達心裡對彼此的那種熾熱,如果可以,或許一個新詞,或是一種香氣,可以來讓熱戀的他們,更加溫也更為甜蜜。

The poet Christopher Poindexter once said, "Whenever I am away from you, the distance between us a burdensome thing, I always think of you in colours, the smell of coffee as you so proudly make it for me, the perfect sunlight spilling in through the window. I miss you even when you are beside me. I dream of your body even when you are sleeping in my arms. The words I love you could never enough. I suppose we'll have to invent new ones." It is the exact inner feelings of those couples who just fall in relationship. The passion to each other is always unable to be described in words. If available, a new word or new fragrance may resolve this problem and add more sweets to these new lovebirds.


在Premiere Note的風中梨音香氣中,一開始那強烈表現的濃香,是強烈愛意的花香與果香的融合,從小蒼蘭到木蘭的兩種花香,都代表著那少女終於願意打開心防,接受那個熱烈追求的男子,她心裡是澎湃的,對於愛情的樣子是有憧憬與期待的,那每一個帶有粉紅色的泡泡中,都有她和那個男孩的共同未來,她此時此刻,沒有畏懼更沒有膽怯,她終於可以踏出那步,將手交在另一個男孩子的手中;而那帶點甜香的梨子香氣,是她內心的羞澀,那個男孩為了她寫了一首詩,做了一首歌,字字流露著對她的愛慕與思念,這就是愛吧?在她心裡面,她好想有所回應,但這是她第一次這麼心動,害羞的怦然心動已經讓她不知所措,那微醺的梨子味搭上了濃烈的小蒼蘭與木蘭香,正述說著那每個女孩子,在剛萌芽的戀情中那羞澀但無所畏懼的情感,這也是在這香水可以幫這些新戀情增加更多粉紅泡泡的魔力。

In Pera Malta of Premiere Note, the strong and heavy foral scent sourced from Fressia and Magnolia is kind of girl heart in love. She is finally willing to open her mind and heart to accept the love from this special guy. She is so excited and with more expectation toward her future with this man. In her pink fantasy, the future should be created for her and her man. Under this moment, she is fearless and no concession because she has decided to put forward and let the man take her to explore the world. Moreover, the sweet fruity scent from pear is this girl's bashful reaction when this man makes some love poem or sing a love song for her. The words or lyrics express the man's love to her. She wants to have some rewards to him but the shy feelings traps her. This is her first time to have such a wonderful love. The addictive pear with the dance from fressia and magnolia can describe the girls' inner feelings in the first stage of new relationship. Of course, it is the magic of this perfume that some undescribable words can be explictly expressed by scents.


每個女孩都會期待著她心儀的男孩能夠像童話故事般的白馬王子那樣,浪漫又多情,若妳是個這樣期待感情的女孩,或許在這香味中可以找到對於愛情的那份火熱,展現妳的魅力讓那個欣賞妳的男孩,為妳做一首詩歌;若妳正在戀愛中,那可能在這香氣裡,可以讓妳找到當初那股奮不顧身又勇往直前的愛情力量,和他再次去尋回那股認真的熱情。表達愛情有時候很難,但Premiere Note的風中梨音,或許可以提供一個媒介讓妳更好述說著專屬妳的愛情故事。

Girls always expect her love may be like the prince in the fairy tales who will be very romantic and protective. If you are just like this kind of girl, you will be probably able to find out the passion of love from this fragrance which can help you to turn out the specific charm to attract that guy. The poem or song must be for you only next time. If you are still in love with someone, you will find your owned passion in love at the very beginning of this relationship. Come on, you should find out such a great feeling with him again. Sometimes love is very difficult but via Pera Malta of Premiere Malta may help you to tell your unique love story.


這罐香水給我的第一印象是,它很像是Jo Malone的英國梨與小蒼蘭濃艷版,但也因為它濃艷些,所以才更可以說出女孩在愛情中的企盼與期待,加上它在臺灣的活動特價,威廉覺得不妨給它一個機會,在濃艷的表現中,是否也一樣找到了那份對於情愛的熱度與衝動。

The performance of this fragrance provides me the first impression of intense English Pear and Fressia in Jo Malone. However, just because of the intense performance, the scent can fully describe out girls' expectation in love. Considering the special promotion in Taiwan, I think it worth a try to this intense performance and see if you may get the special love.
