Avril Lavigne - Head Above Water.jpg


" God, keep my head above water
Don’t let me drown
It gets harder
I'll meet you there, at the altar "





這首〈Head Above Water〉,既道出她患病到痊癒的心聲,也是她對於這段期間感情、心態的寫照。透過對於上天的呼喚,極力祈求自己能撐過這一連串的風風雨雨。






[Verse 1]
I've gotta keep the calm before the storm / 我必須在風暴來臨之前冷靜下來
I don't want less, I don't want more / 我不能過度慌張 或是太過平靜
Must bar the windows and the doors / 我必須要封緊門窗
To keep me safe, to keep me warm / 好讓我不受傷害 保持溫暖
Yeah, my life is what I'm fighting for / 我一直在為我的人生奮鬥
Can't part the sea, can't reach the shore / 雖沒有超凡的力量帶我抵達彼岸
And my voice becomes the driving force / 然而我的聲音化作動力領航
I won't let this put me overboard / 我絕不會讓風雨將我擊垮

God, keep my head above water / 上天啊 讓我探出水面吧
Don't let me drown / 別讓我沉入水底
It gets harder / 情勢越來越兇險
I'll meet you there, at the altar / 我會在聖壇和你相遇
As I fall down to my knees / 那時我會誠心向你祈禱
Don't let me drown drown drown / 別讓我就此沉入水底 失去呼吸
Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown / 別讓我 別讓我 就這麼沉了下去

[Verse 2]
So pull me up from down below / 快將我從水底拉起
‘Cause I'm underneath the undertow / 我正受困逆流之中
Come dry me off and hold me close / 快帶我脫離水中 並緊緊抱住我
I need you now, I need you most / 我現在需要你 好需要你

God, keep my head above water / 上天啊 讓我探出水面吧
Don't let me drown / 別讓我沉入水底
It gets harder / 情勢越來越兇險
I'll meet you there, at the altar / 我會在聖壇和你相遇
As I fall down to my knees / 那時我會誠心向你祈禱
Don't let me drown drown drown / 別讓我就此沉入水底 失去呼吸
Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown / 別讓我 別讓我 就這麼沉了下去
Don't let me drown drown drown (Keep my head above water) / 別讓我就此沉入水底 失去呼吸(讓我探出水面吧)
Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown (above water) / 別讓我 別讓我 就這麼沉了下去(浮於水面之上)

And I can't see in the stormy weather / 在暴風雨之中 我看不清前路
I can't seem to keep it all together / 似乎沒辦法再撐下去了
And I can't swim the ocean like this forever / 我也無法一直這麼掙紮下去
And I can't breathe / 我快無法呼吸了

God, keep my head above water / 上天啊 讓我探出水面吧
I lose my breath at the bottom / 我在水底快沒了呼吸
Come rescue me, I'll be waiting / 快拯救我吧 我不斷地等待著
I'm too young to fall asleep / 我還年輕 我不能就此離去

God, keep my head above water / 上天啊 讓我探出水面吧
Don't let me drown / 別讓我沉入水底
It gets harder / 情勢越來越兇險
I'll meet you there, at the altar / 我會在聖壇和你相遇
As I fall down to my knees / 那時我會誠心向你祈禱
Don't let me drown / 別讓我就此沉入了水底
Don't let me drown / 別讓我就此失去了呼吸
Don't let me drown / 別讓我就此結束了生命
And keep my head above water, above water / 快讓我探出水面 讓我再度呼吸
