
來自專欄經典電影台詞,電影九句14 人贊了文章

不歷經劫難,就難有和平。There has never been peace without first a great suffering.

你喜歡用手術刀,我更愛用大鎚。You use the scalpel. I prefer a hammer.

不可能任務小組就是萬聖節過家家,一群戴著橡膠面具的成年人玩不給糖就搗亂。The IMF is Halloween, Alan. Bunch of grown men in rubber masks playing Trick or treat.

別被外表迷惑了,我與那些人一樣不懷好意,但現在我必須告訴你,你的處境很危險。Dont let looks deceive because Im as ugly as they come. Now Ill be honest with you.Your lifes in danger.

你的雙手將沾滿她的血,原子塵鋪天蓋地,全因為你的好意。And her blood will be on your hands. The fallout. For all your good intentions.

這是我的職責所在,不要太難過。Its just the job. No hard feelings.

我可是約翰·拉克,我用天花殘殺婦女和兒童,我可沒有底線。Thats John Lark youre talking to. Ive murdered women and children with smallpox. I have no line.

正因為你在危急時刻趕來,才沒有壞事發生。而知曉你永遠都會在危急關頭趕來,我才每晚都能安眠。Nothing happened. Because you were here. And I sleep soundly at night knowing you always will be.

我們需要你這樣的人,就像尊重數百萬條生命那樣,尊重一個人的生命。We need people like you. Who care about the one life as much as they care about the millions.


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