

1、rise & raise → 是自动上升 or 人为提起?


rise和raise都有「升起」的意思,但rise大多当不及物,不需要加受词,例:The sun rises every day.(太阳每天升起。)若有受词,会在rise之后先加上介系词,例:The sales rose to USD$100 million.(业务增加到一亿。)


raise是及物动词,后面一定要加上受词,例:She just raised the rent again.(她又涨房租了。)raise也指「养育」、「举起」或者是名词的「加薪」,例:You should ask your boss for a raise.(你应该跟你老板要求加薪。)


2、Chance & opportunity → 是机率 or 期待?




A strange chance had landed me upon the French coast.(一个奇怪的机会使我站在法国的海岸上。)
She waited a long time without finding opportunity for a new departure.(她等了很长时间都没有找到新的动身机会。)
There is a chance that he may be alive.(他也许活著也说不定。)


3、economic & economical → 节省的 or 和经济相关的?




The present economic situation in Italy is serious.(目前义大利的经济状况很不乐观。)
I have to be economical because I don't have much money.(我要节省一点,因为我钱不多。)


4、after thought & second thought → 还要再想 or 跟原来想的不一样?


after-thought 是指「和原来计划不同」;但是 second thought 是表示再「再想一下」。

The manager said that the new product was an after thought.(经理说那新产品原来不在计划内。)
Let me have a second thought.(让我再考虑一下。)


还有一个很像的词,叫做second opinion,意思是「另外的想法」。He would like to have a second opinion from another lawyer.(他想听听另一位律师的意见。)


5、Act & Action → 「行为」or「动作」?


act 当名词是指「行为」,是具体的。例句:I caught her in the act of reading my letters.(她在读我的信时,被我当场逮著了。)


而action指的是「行动」或「动作」,是积极地去做一件事,是抽象的。ion或sion的字尾,就是一种把动作抽象化的字尾。例句:Actions speak louder than words.(行动胜于空谈)




