提供小小的縮圖給大家看一下 好久沒來分享音樂咧~
首先來介紹 Brother & Bones這個團體

Rich Thomas: Vocals   
Alex Karban: Bass  
James Willard: Electric Guitar   
Yiannis Sachinis: Drum Kit   
Robin Howell-Sprent: Drums/Percussion

附上官網  臉書 有了官網一切方便 這樣我也可以少打一些字啦!!! (本身超懶的啦~
找資料超難找的,幸好我只是個分享音樂的小小工人 哈哈哈


Take your chances
Past forgiveness
Past the old days drink to new
Drown your sorrows until they learn to swim

Start the engine
Stop your caring
Get your bearings make your move
Until those old deaf ears, oh how they’ll fall on you

See, the problem
Is the blindness
That you carry like a cross and
The solution is the darkness that you’re in

Time to focus
Time to realise
Your heart might be the boss
But your head will stop the sides from caving in

Now you’re a ghost in this town and still so hard on the eyes
Saying this is what it is to be alive
Guess all the secrets you’re bound to on the inside
Are between you and the night

I knew you once
and your patience
Now its you that knows it all
Hope you’re everything you couldn’t wait to be
I guess half of somethings better than
A whole lot of nothing that may be
But when the lightening comes why stand beneath the trees

Now you’re a ghost in this town and still so hard on the eyes
Saying this is what it is to be alive
Guess all the secrets you’re bound to on the inside
Are between you and the night

Oh why do I do..
Oh why do I do..
Oh why do I do what I do to you

在貼歌詞的過程中,發現官網竟然包了歌詞,也太貼心了啦!!!!! 第一次看到這麼體貼的官網~~ 揪甘心捏!!!

我整個無用武之地了~~~哈哈 事情變少也不錯啦~

真的很愛Rich這款長髮微捲又有點鬍渣的 重點是聲音也沙沙的 簡直極品!!!!!
因為貼心的官網都有附歌詞 所以就不貼歌詞囉~麻煩勤勞的看倌自己點囉~

最開心的每照分享時間 因為私心 只分享這次的主題 帥鬍渣Rich喔~~


轉換下一個 Roo Panes 再發一唱歌影片

09/21/14e/ 更新

最新MV   Kerosene  


個人覺得是蠻震撼的一首喔!!! 希望大家喜歡!!


好溜 讓我換換心情

接下來是清新款的 Roo Panes 臉書 官網

我是因為看到Burberry Acoustic這一系列 Burberry與樂手們合作的一系列影片 才知道 Roo Panes的


來看一段訪談吧~ 英國腔真的很銷魂~~~我的天~~

可愛可愛可愛  我要溶化嘞  接下來這首 是系列中Roo Panes最先播出的一首


Time will heal those broken eyes,
Fashion you a face from your disguise,
Loving never helped that lonely heart,
The world a hostile city from the start,
And no-one's towing your slip stream,
you're a tigress with your wild dreams its true,
And the leaden sky is drawing in,
But I'll move mountains!

Oh Cry my friend no more,
You've seen your stars aligning I am sure,
You etched all of your circles in the sand,
And now your hopes horizons are at hand,
A light against the darkened sky,
Your truth must outshine all the lies its true,
But from the outside looking in,
I say I'll move mountains!

Oh there's trouble on the East flank it is true,
There's a wolf pack on your heels it's after you,
and love is not a word that the world knows
Whilst fighting for survival from its foes,
And some things take a life to learn,
Your innocence forced to discern it seems
But from the outside looking in,
I say I'll move mountains!


但真的很多,大家自己去發掘吧 只要打"burberry acoustic roo panes"

  這首個人覺得MV蠻溫馨的 非常舒服
  這首一定要分享的原因是 Roo在裡面啦!!! 好可愛喔~~



yoyoyo 前面兩個分享的都是唱英文的 接下來的Panda da Panda是瑞典來的溜 ((我到現在還是搞不清楚

臉書 官網  要說這三個帥哥 我最先認識的就是Panda了 一開始也覺得這甚麼奇怪的人要取兩個Panda 誰知一聽愛上了!!!

本名是Thibo GIRARDON 1988年生  26歲  女朋友是 Rebecca & Fiona電子雙人團體的Rebecca Scheja

幸好有女朋友了 要不然我還以為世界上全不帥哥都變成瑞瑞了  請分杯羹給我們好嗎~~~
這是Panda 第一首歌 MV走有點詭異路線 一開始有點嚇到 哈哈

請注意58秒開始 溶化了~~~~~


好啦回歸現實面 合照奉上
右邊是女朋友喔~~左邊是Fiona Fitzpatrick
奉上一首女朋友團體的MV 他們其實有來過臺灣喔!!!!
  唱的是英文 免驚 他們的歌也很棒 有空深入介紹!!!


寫到這又發現一首想分享 應該算是Bonus吧 哈哈哈

My Grey Horse  一樣主唱是鬍子帥哥

臉書  官網


不用我多說也知道照片的有趣點在哪了吧 哈哈哈

