▲瑞秋(Rachel Carrie)表示家裡的肉食都是靠她打獵得來。(圖/翻攝自Instagram/rachelcarriehunting)

▲瑞秋(Rachel Carrie)表示家裡的肉食都是靠她打獵得來。(圖/翻攝自Instagram/rachelcarriehunting)


「當你直接乾淨俐落地朝動物心臟射擊,牠永遠都不會知道你在哪裡,沒有受到驚嚇和傷害,也沒有被運送至屠宰場。」來自英國約克郡(Yorkshire)的年輕辣媽瑞秋(Rachel Carrie)表示從不上超市買肉,家人一直以來都是喫她打獵得來的肉類,過去一年就開槍獵了4隻鹿、40隻鴨子、80隻野雞和125隻鴿子。


▲瑞秋(Rachel Carrie)表示家裡的肉食都是靠她打獵得來。(圖/翻攝自Instagram/rachelcarriehunting)




在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Teach kids where food comes from... newsflash : it’s not cellophane wrapped styrofoam trays. Teach them what they’re eating : it wasn’t always just neatly packed and pink and it probably didn’t really resemble Pricilla the happy pig skipping through the meadow like the packaging would have you believe. Take back the responsibility yourself and stop living the food lie. Support responsible farmers, support British farms, high welfare standards, stop supporting cheaply and intensively produced meat and imported meats, Im lucky and made the decision to eat only animals I’d hunted myself, I’ve even started ordering vegetarian dishes when possible when I eat out. I can’t ignore it anymore and I’ve been guilty of forgetting to grab some pheasant out of the freezer and grabbing a pack of chicken from the supermarket, it just doesn’t taste the same and I just can’t and won’t support cruelty. Im so happy I’m able to hunt and bring home all of my own meat, and understand not everyone can do this, but everyone can make better and more ethical choices where food is concerned and consumer choices in general. . . . #friendsandfood #animalwelfare #kindness #meateater #food #foodorigins #supportBritishfarms #hunting

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