Mark Tremonti Talks New Tremonti Album, His Role As Frontman and Future of Alter Bridge and Creed


by Michael Lello [email protected] | Apr 01, 2015 03:29 PM EDT


Here is nice interview with Mark Tremonti talking about wew Tremonti album, his Role as frontman and future of Alter Bridge and Creed! He is very honest but nice and humble musician. smile emoticon

最近看到一篇很有內容又精闢的訪談 kiki emoticon AB吉他手兼團長談論有關單飛新專輯、AB新專輯、Creed主義樂團及個人喜好。全文在此→<按此>

文章不短,在這邊心癢癢翻譯關於邁爾斯這段 wink emoticon

HNGN: Do you feel you almost did too good of a job of exposing Myles Kennedy to a larger audience when you brought him into Alter Bridge? Everyone seems to want to play with him, from Slash to the Led Zeppelin guys.
記者:你有沒有覺得你對Myles邁爾斯太好了,把他帶進AB(幻化結構樂團)揭露給廣大聽眾?結果每個人都想和他合作,包括Slash(史萊許)、Led Zeppelin(齊柏林飛船)等人…


Tremonti:Oh man. I'm proud. Hopefully people think I'm a good talent supplier. I'd be a good A&R guy for bands I guess. I knew he was a superstar before he joined the band, just listening to the old Mayfield Four stuff, he's just an amazing singer. I tried a lot of singers out for Alter Bridge, and a lot of them could do great things with their voices, but Myles just has this emotion in his voice. He was born to do this, he's been doing it since he's a tiny kid. The big surprise about Myles that I didn't know for a while is he is a brilliant guitar player. You put Myles on stage at a jazz club and he's up there improvising and will not miss a beat, whereas I would fall on my face in about two seconds, it's just not my thing. That's why we work so well together, because I'm a speed metal guy and he's a blues and jazzy/feeling guy, and together we kind of create some diversity in the band.

馬克:哦~拜託!我超驕傲的,好嗎?希望大家會認為我是很有天份的伯樂(供應者)。我想我對樂團而言是很好的A&R(藝人養成和開發)。我從邁爾斯加入AB之前就知道他是個巨星,看看他前樂團(The Mayfield Four)的作品就知道他是個很棒的歌手。我為了AB試過很多歌手,他們唱得很好,但只有邁爾斯嗓音極富情感。他極富天份從小就已經開始唱歌。但是對我而言最大的驚喜就是我一開始不知道邁爾斯也是個出色的吉他手。你在爵士酒吧把邁爾斯推去舞臺,他上臺立馬可以即興表演不會漏掉任何一拍,如果是我的話肯定很尷尬兩秒鐘…這不是我擅長的事。這就是為什麼我們可以合作愉快;因為我是個靠速度的金屬系而他是藍調、爵士、感情派的,當我們在一起我們為AB創作許多不同元素和火花。


# 從以前就覺得Mark馬克是Myles邁爾斯的"伯樂"
# M&M都是十分謙虛又很棒的音樂家
# 看完這篇更喜歡M&M






