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社交網絡遊戲,你將能夠: 連接遊戲,電影,電視節目和其他用戶在一個強大的和互動的社會網絡遊戲玩家和媒體發燒友。  管理和排序遊戲,電影,電視節目單:收藏,收藏,收藏 - 發表意見的評論,預覽,社論和新聞報導整個站點。
As a newly founded source for Game, Movie, and TV show news,reviews,media, and more, The Game Effect strives to provide you with one of the most informative, functional, and stylish browsing experiences on the web. Our staff of writers are passionate gamers and media enthusiasts who thoroughly enjoy being a part of this community.
