WILD 有機冷壓初榨野生椰子油.jpg

WILD 有機冷壓初榨野生椰子油榮獲澳洲 NASAA 100%有機認證及 KOSHER AUSTRALIA Pty Ltd 素馨食品潔食認證並採用已持續二十多年屢獲殊榮的DME®生產技術在60分鐘內保留完整養分不流失的狀態將新鮮椰子全程控制在45度以下冷壓製成,一瓶500毫升純淨天然的 WILD 有機冷壓初榨野生椰子油就是以8個手壓的野生新鮮椰子製成.

What is the award winning Direct Micro Expelling (DME)™ Process? 什麼是獲獎的 (DME) 提煉?
95% of the World’s coconut palms are in the hands of smallholder farmers, situated within family gardens. Most of these coconuts are harvested and shipped to be produced into coconut oil. This is a time consuming and expensive process that unfortunately offers very little return for local farmers and the environment. At Coconut Matter, we endeavour to do things differently, because sustainability matters.
世界上 95% 的椰子樹掌握在有住家庭院的小農戶手中,不幸的是這些椰子在採收後大多數會經過耗時且昂貴的過程被運送來製成椰子油,但是提供給當地農家及環境的回饋卻非常的少.因此 Coconut Matter 努力在做不同的事情,因為 Coconut Matter 明白可持續性的發展極為重要.


DME™ (Direct Micro Expelling) was invented by Dr Dan Etherington in 1994. It has since been set up in the Pacific, Indonesia, India, PNG, Solomon Islands, Caribbean, Africa and in the Indian Ocean with dramatic effects on the lives of local communities. The multi-award winning DME™ farm based process empowers smallholders to produce high value WILD virgin coconut oil where the coconuts are grown. This enables the smallholders to provide sustainable fair living for their families and the communities where they live.
澳洲農業經濟學家 Dan Etherington 博士於1994年發明 DME (直接微量排放) 提煉技術. 至今已於太平洋地區,印度尼西亞,印度,巴布亞新幾內亞,所羅門羣島,加勒比,非洲和印度洋在當地社區建立戲劇性發展.
屢獲殊榮並以處理農場為主的 DME 提煉技術授權小農戶以當地的野生新鮮椰子生產高價值的 WILD 有機冷壓初榨野生椰子油,這使當地的小農戶為其家庭及其所居住的社區提供可持續性的公平生活.

Villagers in the Solomon Islands benefit from direct local employment earning fair returns so age-old customs can be passed down for many generations to come. In addition to receiving adequate training needed to produce WILD virgin coconut oil, farmers are also supported through quality control procedures, plus obtaining credit and marketing.
所羅門羣島的村民直接於當地就業的收入中賺取公平的回報,因此古老的習俗便可以傳承到許多後代,除了獲得生產 WILD 有機冷壓初榨野生椰子油所需的充分培訓外,農民還通過質量控制程序,獲得信貸和營銷支持.

This indigenous hand pressed technique is self-fuelling and has a zero negative impact on the Solomon’s Islands native ecosystem. It enables remote Pacific communities to produce fresh, cold pressed Coconut Oil within 60 minutes of harvest. Every 500ml jar of our WILD Virgin Coconut Oil consists of around 8 hand pressed wild coconuts.
這種土著手壓技術是自我供給燃料,對所羅門羣島原生生態系統沒有任何負面影響.它讓偏遠的太平洋羣落能夠在收穫後60分鐘內生產新鮮的冷壓椰子油.每一瓶500毫升的 WILD 有機冷壓初榨野生椰子油,就是約以8個手壓的新鮮野生椰子製成.

Freshest oil made by villagers 村民們製作最新鮮的油

Our search for the best virgin coconut oil led us to the multi-award winning Direct Micro Expelling (DME™) farm based process. This Australian technology is the quickest process in the world. Farmers hand press fresh coconuts into virgin coconut oil within 60 minutes, where they live.
我們找到最好的原生椰子油得以農場為主屢獲殊榮的 (DME) 提煉技術處理. 當地農民在60分鐘內手壓新鮮椰子初榨而成椰子油,這是世界上最快速的澳大利亞處理技術.

WILD virgin coconut oil is prepared in small, manageable, daily batches, adhering to strict quality control standards. By choosing the DME™ farm based process, our customers are able to enjoy the world’s freshest virgin coconut oil and we invite you to taste the difference.
WILD 有機冷壓初榨野生椰子油每日以可控管的小批量製備,堅持遵守嚴格的質量控制標準.通過選擇以處理農場為主的 DME 提煉技術,邀請您來品嚐差異性,也讓我們的客戶能夠享受到世界上最新鮮的椰子油.

Fair living truly matters 公平生活真的很重要

The multi-award winning DME™ farm based processempowers smallholders to produce high value WILD virgin coconut oil where the coconuts are grown. This enables the smallholders to provide sustainable fair living for their families and the communities. Villagers benefit from direct local employment and earning fair returns so age-old customs can be passed down for many generations to come.
以處理農場為主屢獲殊榮的 DME 提煉技術授權當地種植椰子的小農生產高價值的 WILD 有機冷壓初榨野生椰子油.這使小農戶能夠為其家庭和社區提供可持續的公平生活.村民受益於直接在當地就業並賺取公平的回報,因此古老的習俗可以傳承許多後代. 

Pristine reefs and rainforests are protected by utilising an existing resource and are supported by a sustainable, self-fuelling, zero waste process. Join us in embodying fair living as we work towards building a lifestyle that truly matters for everyone.

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