Hey y'all!!
    My name is Emilio! I'm an Italian-Taiwanese American who loves a gorgeous island called Taiwan!
I'm new to the concept of blogging, but let's give it a shot! 

    I hope for this place to be a free place of mind, soul, expression, emotions, and life through art, music, love, and all forms of expression! 

Currently, I am in Italy pursuing my dream. A dream of Happiness. Not just my personal happiness, but to spread it to the whole world and everyone I meet! Hopefully, it will come true!

    我叫小美! 我是個愛上美麗寶島臺灣的義大利華裔美國人的美國人! 我寫部落格有點菜, 還請大家多多指教內><


此時我人在義大利追夢想! 這夢想叫快樂. 但不是我自己自私的快樂,而是要把這快樂傳遞給世界上我遇到的每一個人!! 希望會成功!!

Never forget who you are, and never loose sight of who you want to be! Life is beautiful.
Just go out and have an adventure!

永遠別忘了你自己是誰,也千萬要堅持自己想要變成的樣子! 生命很美,勇敢去冒險吧!

Emilio 小美
