看了兩三遍 覺得好酷!但是 又想想 這樣好嗎?
而藝術創作的型式 因而更上一層樓了
不可否認的 真的好方便 也好省時省事
Watched this a couple of times, I think it is really cool. Yep, with a second thought, I ponder if this is really the way that art forms shall develop?
What are genuine? what are fake?
I have to admit that the forms of art creation are moving in to the next step with the future app.
And undeniable, it is really convenient and time-effient.

我覺得 我比較偏好
在奧賽美術館裡 頭皮發麻暈暈的 凝視著梵谷直拗一筆一畫勾勒出他腦袋裡無 人能理解的旋轉氣場
在奇美博物館裡 和巨大的灰黑色羅丹的沈思者對望
據說 羅丹 是想表達但丁望向地獄 糾結於思索詩人在生命難題與人類存在的意義
However, I do prefer standing right in front of the art work.
Staring at the swirling magnetic fields that no one else but Vincent Van Gogh himself might have seen and expressed with his paint brush which made me dizzy while staring at it in Musée d'Orsay.
Also appreciated the Deep Thinker by Auguste Rodin in Chimei Museum.
It is sad that the statue was to depict the great poet, Dante was staring into the gate of hell and his contemplation over the suffering of human and the purpose of human life.


抬頭與他對望 看儘他那黑色的眼底 突然心頭一震
難道? 我在地獄?!
噢~不不不~ 我處在比地獄好一滴滴滴滴的地方
只是 要讓這人身 在這人生 體會一點小天堂 創造出一點小天堂

I looked up and staring into his dark bronze eyes, I shivered!!
What?! Am I in hell as he staring?!!!
Oh, no! I am in a place just a little bit better than hell where I shall create little heaven and experience a little bit of heaven with my humble little physical body looking for a way back to heaven.



咦~ 有點離題了
回到藝術創作本身 咳咳
科技無法取代人性 正如科學 無法解釋說明一切
但在那平衡拉扯間 創作便產生
藝術家眼界中 一撇間上帝那一閃而過的光芒

oops, I guess I:m a but out of line.
Back to the topic of forms of art creation.
Well, I think technology could never replace humane while science can never explain God itself and everything.
yet, between balancing the two, so shall the creation reform and produced.
Then, in our boring daily life, we could appreciate a blink of the light of God from the eyes of a great artist.



Just as Michelangelo used to say,

The true work of ART is but a shadow of divine perfection” .
