Ever since being a vegan instead of a vegetarian, I kindda reducing having coffee dramatically (used to addicted to it years ago >_<"). Then I found tea is not just for British old ladies with glamourous/weird hats or Tawianese elderly playing chess under trees in front of some temples; tea is actually quite hip!! And being a vegan, unless you can get used to the taste of "cafe au soya" or your hands won't shake after a shot of strong italian expresso, tea is always vegan & aromatic!!  And here, Mila is taking you to a must visit in Paris!! It's the legendary ~ Mariage Freres ~ a tea house over 150 years old!!

自從全素之後(以前是無蛋奶素) 我似乎不小心得剛好可以戒掉對咖啡的癮 呵呵 而且ㄚ 我也才開始發現 原來喝茶 不是隻是給優雅英國老婦人帶著帽子 或廟口前下棋泡茶的老杯杯 茶可是挺時尚的呢! 而且ㄚ 除非你習慣咖啡加永和豆漿的味道 或你來管義式濃縮後手不會皮皮挫 不然的話來杯茶一定是全素的 而且香氣滿屋ㄛ ~ 在這裡呢 米拉要介紹給大家傳奇的歐洲百年茶莊 ~ Mariage Freres ~


A little history lesson from Mila: Mariage Frères is the oldest tea importer in France. "Mariage" is the family surname & "Frères" means "Brothers". (note: in Formosa, the mafia members call each other "borthers"! haha) Nicolas Mariage started trading in tea in the 1660s when he traveled to Persia, the East Indies, and the Moghul Empire as part of a trade delegation. One of his descendant, Jean-FranÁois Mariage, was still dealing in tea 150 years later(1810s) in the northern French town of Lille.  In 1845, Aimé and Auguste, two of Jean-FranÁois' sons, founded Auguste Mariage & Compagnie in Paris which is the start of the tea houses/salons/stores that we see today. 

來點米拉講古一下: Mariage Frères 來頭可不小ㄛ 他們是法國最早茶進口商 Mariage 是他們家族的姓 Frères是兄弟的意思 (威~沒有道上兄弟的意思啦!)話說呢 在1660年左右Nicolas Mariage也是個雙腳不安份的人 他旅行到了波斯 東印度羣島 &蒙兀兒帝國 (約今日北印度!)後來呢 他的一個很堅持的後代字孫叫Jean-FranÁois Mariage在150年後(約1810年)依然在法國北部一個小鎮叫Lille的地方賣茶哩! (超堅持的 給他拍拍手 點首翁力友的歌給他ㄅ!! )終於在1845年 很堅持的Jean先生的兩個兒子 Aimé & Auguste在巴黎創立了 Auguste Mariage & Compagnie也就是咱們現在所見Mariage Frères的茶莊前身囉! 


aromatic atomospere draws me into the door back to the old days 一進門芳香浪漫滿屋

The whole wall variety of tea selections.  You can get a "sniff" from whichever tea selection in the tin can there. The clerk would open it, you get to sniff it and decide whether you gonna take it or move to the next. It's a lot of fun; yet, when there are way to many customers in the store, it might not be a good idea to bug them for too long. And left an imression of Taiwanese are like dogs enjoy sniffing around?!! XD

一整牆的茶罐通通可以給你"聞香"一下 跟店員講茶名 他就會開罐子給你聞ㄛ 我覺覺得超好玩的 但是 如果一整家茶館都人 別當奧客一直聞一直聞ㄅ 顧一下臺灣國家形象貝 別讓人以為臺灣人都屬狗ㄅ 選好快下手ㄅ


Or here's what you can do since the tea house is almost always full of customers. You can choose from the menu first. note: someone was being shy & hiding behind the menu ㄚ不然ㄚ 先看一下茶目錄吧 注:嫁到巴黎的小聖姐姐羞怯的躲在MENU後


But the thing is ..... What a long list & and ALL in FRENCH!! So, I strongly suggest that you can study a bit of the menu and ponder your prefrence of 1. black tea base ot green tea base 2. fruit or flower aroma 3. stong or mild ...etc Besides, I also recommend that don't buy Woonlong or Asian green tea cos those kinds of tea you can always easily find everywhere in Aisa or can easily get a good cup from a tea stand in Formosa (you kidding? why bother buying Asian tea from Paris...). Plus, Formosa offers the world's best Woolong & high-mountain tea in the world!!  Strongly recommended!! (aboriginal ladies hand-picked+organic+perfect altitude & weather + high-tec...... oh, I think I might as well wrtie something about the tea garden I went to a couple weeks ago.....)  It'll be a smart move to buy some European style or exotic flavors that you can't find anywhere else. I personally like the N. 955. Sur le Nil (I guess that means the Nile River!) Its green tea base with a bit tangerine +tiny bit of mango aroma .... (sip ~) oh, I see some camels marching slowly in the desert under the Egyptian golden sunset with pyramids in the distance  ...... aww ~ I'm drunk!!

問題是 ㄚ這MENU也給他太太太長了ㄅ 而且通通是法文 所以我建議先在家做些功課 想想 1. 紅茶底 還 綠茶底 2.果香還花香 3.濃厚還輕淡 而且ㄚ 我建議 去到巴黎不要買烏龍啦玄米綠啦或亞洲味的茶款 那個手搖攤就喝的到的味道 (去巴黎買那個真得有點瞎) 臺灣高山茶還是一級棒的!! 米拉建議 要買一些歐洲味或異國風的 我就發現 我愛上一種口味編號955號綠茶底加上橘子和一滴滴芒果味的茶 喝起來似乎帶點埃及風 彷彿看到了埃及沙漠中夕陽下有駱駝除除前進哩~


They weigh the tea you're about to buy with this antique looking scale.  用鼓動秤子秤你要拜幾斤 ㄚ不是啦 是購買幾磅  



It also carries nice, exquisit but expensive tea ware sets! 當然有賣一些高檔的茶具 精緻又美觀




There is tea museum on the second floor (FREE ADMISSION). Small but interesting

二樓有茶的博物館 免費參觀喔



 官網 Official website : http://www.mariagefreres.com/ 

附設有茶館的分店Tea Salon & Stores Locations : http://www.mariagefreres.com/boutique/UK/vt+addresses.html

教你怎麼泡絕品好茶How to make the best tea MF's Golden Rules: http://www.mariagefreres.com/boutique/UK/vt+the-golden-rules.html  
