Day 2 – 2015


我最喜歡的當今世上最夯的量子物理學家Brian Greene(哥倫比亞大學教授)在新年的第一天在紐約時報發表一篇文章 他提到速度與引力能夠改變我們一直以來以為不可能被改變的時間! 時間 居然可以在不同的個體上 因為情況與環境的不同 而改變 意思是說 你的一秒 跟他的一秒 因為行進的速度與所處的引力不同 我的一秒不等於 你的一秒!! 這很顛覆 卻很領我著迷!而愛因斯坦老背背的相對論 老早就把時光旅行攤開來一張畫好一張藍圖囉
Brian Greene, my favorite world-renowned physicist in quantum physics (professor in Columbia University) published an article in The New York Times about TIME on New Year’s Day. He mentioned that speed and gravitational fields could change time that we thought we knew and conceived – TIME differs in the eye of the beholder, varies under the circumstances and environment. It’s quite mind-twisted; yet fascinating. Relativity actually lays out a blueprint for time-travel.


文中說到:如果你登上一艘太空船 以光速的99.999999%的速度離開地球表面往外衝六個月 然後用同樣的速度再回來 你行進的速度 會把你的時鐘慢下 相對的 地球上的還在滴答滴答 沒變 所以當你一年後回來 你只是老了一歲 但是 地球上的萬物 已經老了整整7000年囉~~~~~~
In the article, he wrote “Were you to board a spaceship, head out from earth at 99.999999 percent of light speed, travel for six months and then head back home at the same speed, your motion would slow your clock, relative to those that remain stationary on earth, so that you'd be one year older upon your return -- while everyone on earth would have aged about 7,000 years.” (well, this might prove that if true love lasts thousands of years & never dies?! XD)

或者 如果你花一年 在黑洞幾英尺高的外圍繞呀繞的 那邊的種力可是太陽的1000倍呢! 如此巨大的引力 會把你的時鐘變超~~~慢!所以當你一年後回地球呀 那可是超過一百萬年已經溜走囉!!! (這可以證明愛情是否真有海枯石爛這回事ㄦ 呵呵)
Or, were you to venture into space again and spend a year hovering a dozen feet above the edge of a black hole, whose mass was 1,000 times that of the sun, the strong gravitational field would slow your clock so much that on your return to earth, you'd find that more than a million years had elapsed.”

有沒有 是不是 跟你說吧 這真是超酷的! 這可不是科幻片呀 也不是Christopher Nolan的電影 這是真真切切的物理呀! 但這也上市上當今所有頂尖中的頂尖的科學家 頭咳馬龍冒咧燒! 想破頭也搞不懂~味蝦密啊~~~~ (跟晚餐要喫啥是一樣的困擾的 呵呵)
See~ told ya. Absolutely fascinating!! It’s not sci-fi movie at all!! It’s not Christopher Nolan’s production. It is pure physics!! Science that makes all the scientists (including the bestest of the best) feel headaches from confusion and still can’t figure out why. (probably as bothering as what’s for dinner..XDD)

這一趁子想了想 所謂的吸引力法則派的大老是喜歡用量子力學來輔佐他們的說法 但科學家們都還搞不懂怎麼一回事哩 我想 我愛的Brian教授 應該覺得他們像蒼蠅般的顧人怨 (雖然 我認為 吸引力法則有某種程度的真實 但卻頗被濫用)反正喔 我覺得呀這宇宙 或是更多重的宇宙 根本不是我們人腦目前能力能夠承載的理解力所能概括的 比我們能天馬行空想像到的更廣 更深 更大 更了無邊際 更古老 至少 我是Mila不是露西 不是我們一般人目前能力所及 但可不是沒這回事ㄛ (總是有大師能夠做到) 我認為 這宇宙的奧祕 絕不是身而為凡夫 能夠理解得透徹的 不應該透過那些法則或坐時光機 去改變過去與未來 但或許 我們所能做的 是演好此生的角色 享受 珍惜當下所有的片刻 – 就是現在! 讓片刻當下都活得更精彩 更有價值 這也是我給自己2015的要focus的 ~ 至於 該怎麼做呢?
Well, whether the law of attraction followers are using quantum physics to quote whatever they are trying to sell which I found they never fully explain at all. And I bet Brian Greene must have been fed up with the law of attraction books related authors claiming that science has proved them right. Anyways, I found that I do think this universes/cosmos is so much bigger and deeper than anything we human brain can comprehend; well, at least, so far, I’d say nay ~ Yet, it doesn’t mean it is not happening. We might not use the law or take the time machine (if do exist now) to alter the past and future, I’d rather enjoy and appreciate all the moment, of NOW. To make it worthwhile. This is something I am focusing on in the year of 2015. Make the best out of the time of my life ~
10885115_707150419382908_2058492819622255094_n photo from Mateusz M

最後附上 帥帥Brian Greene教授 用淺顯易懂的方式 告訴你這深奧的物理科學
Here’s the link to one of my favorite video talking about the illusion of time!
Mila掛保證 絕無冷場 超好看 但是 英文不好慎入 我不知道中文版在哪兒 呵呵