站在蒙地卡羅的月臺上 我思考著 又一次 我朝思暮想的義大利就在隔壁 怎地卻又不在下一步中  唉~ 然後踏上往尼斯的班車 因為 普羅旺斯在等我呀  
standing on the platform of the Monte-Carlo, Monaco, couldn't help thinking, Italy, my darling, was so close again, yet, still not in my fixed itinerary....
 Next stop, Nice, then, on my way to Avignon, Provendence.   在南法吃素也好方便 南法普羅旺斯的狗和太陽 是很友善的 都會自動都會靠過來 或擺好POSE隨你慢慢拍  可遠觀 亦可褻玩焉 亂摸可以 直視也可以 ㄛ~ 我愛法國鄉下 
Dogs and sun are quite hospitable in South France. They came closer to me without asking. They strike their pose for you to take photos as long as I want. Oh, I LOVE Southern France!   DSC04034 亞維農的黃昏 如此絢麗 Sunset in Avignon, Provence DSC03629 - 複製