Well, it is blessed to be able to taste exotic meals in romantic Paris, all VEGAN in particular. "Restaurent GREEN GARDEN Végétarien" serves brilliant Thai+Vietnamese cuisine with non-diary, no eggs, non-GMO, non-MSG, non-garlic/onion etc.  Besides, he’s a one of the fellow brother, what can I say?  It’s totally “safe” to dine there; like having meals in Loving Hut.  The owner told me there seems not many southeastern Asian cuisine in Taiwan, and he was considering coming to Taiwan and open one!! In addition, for vegan travelers, oversea students, or local Parisian, Restaurent GREEN GARDEN Végétarien is a great place to fill your vegan stocking.  It carries variety of vegan grocery in very reasonable prices and the selections are good enough for you to make a nice vegan feast for your friends and family at home.  Big hands to the brother.  話說 來到巴黎能嚐到不同口味的素食是很幸福的一件事 尤其是全素 金海素食屋 提供無奶 無蛋 無基因改造 無味素 無五辛的泰越式料理 而且還自家人 後~簡直是沒得挑剔 老闆師兄跟我聊到 臺灣似乎不太多東南亞素食料理 他曾經想過來臺灣開ㄟ 除此之外 素食旅人們 留學生或在地人 甚至可以來金海補庫存ㄛ 他們有賣素料 素鬆 素調味料等雜貨 讓你風光辦一桌不是問題的多樣選擇 在巴黎能有這樣的店家 一定要給他拍拍手的啦IMG_3325.JPG  

泰式素煎餃 Thai Vegan Fried Dumplings: The sauce was very Thai 醬很泰


越南細河粉湯  ~ 看起來沒啥 但爆好喫 尤其是走在冷冷的巴黎幾個小時之後 這碗湯麵會讓你幸福得想掉淚 呵呵  Vietnamese Rice Noodle Soup ~ Looks plain but Awesome! Especially, after walking in the cold Paris streets for hours, this bowl of noodle soup will definitely make you cry with blissful tears.  hahaha  


Salty Spicy Deep Fried Tofu 椒鹽炸豆腐   我覺得可以再辣一點


Spring Rolls 炸春捲: First time to taste it with "peppermint"!! 配薄荷葉?!! But the sauce was great!


I always enjoy having Thai Fried Rice Noodle!! 泰式炒河粉


As I was at the restaurant, there were many customers; however, he told me it’s not easy to make a profit from it since it’s quite costly to keep a vegan restaurant in Paris.  He actually took over the restaurant from the previous owner due to great deficit.  Keep up the good work, brother!! Till next time I visit Paris again, please!  

他生意很好 但老闆跟我說 其實不好賺 因為在巴黎開店成本很高 這家店他是從別人手中接下來的 以前都虧得很嚴重呢  ~ 老闆加油呀!! 千萬撐下去 撐到我下次去巴黎捧場呀  


Since its website is no longer working, so here's the map the address

金海素食屋 Restaurent GREEN GARDEN Végétarien
rue Nationale 75013 Paris
地鐵站Get off the subway at:Porte d'Ivry  七號線 No. 7或是T3 or take T3

營業時間Hours:中午十二點到三點 晚上六點到十點半  星期二休息 

12pm~3pm & 6pm~1030daily Closed on Tuesday (you can see ppl in Paris eat dinner quite late huh )

紅點為餐廳 M地鐵站七號線的Porte d'Ivry   TT3 從地鐵站走大約5~10分鐘 看你多餓走多快 非常餓用跑的約2分鐘ㄅ 呵呵

The red spot is the the restaurant; M means the subeway station of Porte d'Ivry   T means T3 line

It takes about 5~10 minutes on foot; yet, depends on how hungry you are, you can also run that might take you about 2 minutes. hahaha

