想ROOT Asus fonepad ME371MG   可以参考这一篇,基本上到目前OTA后都还可以ROOT。




1) Flash Asus original firmware 3.2.4 using sd download
2) download cydia impactor from http://www.cydiaimpactor.com/
3) Enable usb debugging !then open impactor.exe from zip and here the pop up screen shows
"# drop SuperSU su to /system/xbin/su" and press start Button
Mean while ur tablet screen will splash twice with payload logo
4) check with root checker "Congrats! you have root access"
5)Install Super SU and Open! then Enable "Super User"from settings! now go to cydia impactor---->Devicetab---> OpenShell
6) Squirrel away su following rfrazier method ! just Copy this code and paste it to shell ! Then allow it through Permission on ur Phone
************************************************** ***************
# squirrel away a good su. #
# use adb and get root
mount -o remount,rw /system /system

# If su saving has been done before, you need to to lose the
# immutable attribute in order to overwrite it. If this is the first time 
# you've saved su, you can skip this step.
/system/bin/busybox chattr -i /system/usr/abcd/efgh 

mkdir /system/usr/abcd
chmod 001 /system/usr/abcd
cat /system/xbin/su > /system/usr/abcd/efgh
chmod 06755 /system/usr/abcd/efgh
/system/bin/busybox chattr +i /system/usr/abcd/efgh
mount -o remount,ro /system /system

# Double check attributes and permissions of efgh.

# Exit root, and try getting root with efgh.

# Done squirreling away a good su.
************************************************** *******************
7)Run OTA update ! install ! ur phone will be restart!
8)Restore SU! just Copy this code and paste it to shell again (You need to enable USB debugging again and open impactor shell)
************************************************** ************************************************** *************
OTA update

# Restore su. #
# use adb and get root.

mount -o remount,rw /system /system

# I'm assuming that /system/bin/su is a link to /system/xbin/su. If it
# isn't, change as needed.
cat /system/usr/abcd/efgh > /system/xbin/su

chown 0:0 /system/xbin/su
chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su
mount -o remount,ro /system /system
# Done restore su. #

# I double and triple check everything.

# After it is known to work, you can get rid of the squirrelled away su by
# changing its attributes, and removing. But, don't remove it until you are
# absolutely confident that you have a good su on your system. Indeed, 
# you might just leave it there.
# Use adb and get root.
rm /system/usr/abcd/efgh
cd /system/usr
rmdir abcd
************************************************** ***********************************************
9) Your device now on rooted v3.2.6
10) Enjoy! Hope illustrating this method will work properly 
