
Letter of Application 商家入駐申請書 That, effective as of [date of signing], [brand owner], corporate entity existing under the laws of [country], the authentic and lawful holder of [brand], hereby applies to RED(小紅書)for acting as a Merchant to sell, distribute the products of [brand] through the online-sale platform APP xiaohongshu (小紅書in Chinese). 茲有【品牌方公司名稱】於【簽署時間】簽署本申請書,【品牌方公司名稱】是一家根據【品牌方設立國名稱】法律設立並存續的公司, 且是【品牌】的合法持有人,【品牌方公司名稱】在此向小紅書申請成為「小紅書」平台商家並在 「小紅書」平台銷售、分銷【品牌】產品。 By ___________________________________ [ 公司公章(seal) ]/ [ 授權代表簽字(signature)]



Authorization & Power of Attorney 商家在小紅書銷售的授權書 That, effective as of [date of signing], [brand owner], corporate entity existing under the laws of [country], the authentic and lawful holder of [brand], hereby nominates, appoints and authorizes [distributor], as true and lawful distributor with authority to sell, distribute the products of [brand] through the online-sale platform APP xiaohongshu (小紅書in Chinese). 茲有【品牌方公司名稱】於【簽署時間】簽發本授權書,【品牌方公司名稱】是一家根據【品牌方設立國名稱】法律設立並存續的公司, 且是【品牌】的合法持有人,【品牌方公司名稱】在此指定並授權【開店公司名稱】作為合法有效的經銷商,其有權在「小紅書」平台銷售、分銷【品牌】產品。 The duration of this Power of attorney is [One (1)] year after the signature hereof. 本授權書自有效簽署後【一年】內有效。 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Power of attorney as of the date written above. 本授權書在以下有權人員簽署後於文首約定的日期使得本授權書生效,以昭信守: By ___________________________________ [ 公司公章(seal) ] ___________________________________ [ 授權代表簽字 (signature) ]

