





二、大明湖风景区Daming Lake Scenic spot

铁公祠TheTiegong Temple


Built in the Qing Dynasty in memory of Tie Xuan, Minister of the Military Ministry of the Ming Dynasty, the Tiegong Temple is a 「garden within garden」 surrounded by pavilions and corridors.

Tie Xuan, Governor of Shandong Province during the reign of Emperor Huidi of the Ming Dynasty, led his army and Jinan residents in defense of the city and defeated again and again Zhu Di, a prince who rebelled for becoming emperor. Tie Xuan was promoted to be Minister of the Military Ministry for his merits.

小沧浪亭 the Small Surging Waves Pavilion


It』s located next to Tiegong Temple. Firstly built in 1792 during the reign of Qianlong Emperor of Qing Dynasty, it』s a small garden with South China style, consisting of Small Surging Waves Pavilion, zigzag veranda, lotus pool etc.

It borrowed the architecturalstyle of Surging Waves Pavilion in Suzhou and it』s smaller. That』 s how it gets its name. On the gates, the famous couplets from Liu Fenggao of Qing Dynasty were carved, 「with lotuses on all sides and willows on three sides, the Daming Lake makes Jinan a hillview city with a lake covering half its area」, which were written by Tie Bao, a calligrapher of Qing Dynasty.

北极阁 The Beiji Temple


Located by the north bank of the Daming Lake, the Beiji Tempe is the only Taoist temple in Jinan, which is made up of the Front Hall, the Rear Hall, the Bell Tower, the East Chamber and the West Chamber. It was first built in the Yuan Dynasty and rebuilt in the reign of Emperor Yong Le of the Ming Dynasty, in which the Taoist God Zhenwu and his parents are enshrined.

超然楼Chaoran Tower


It』s located by the bank of Daming Lake, with a height of 51.7 meters and seven floors. It enjoys the reputation of 「the first tower in the area of North Yangtze River」 because it』s so magnificent and imposing.

It was first built in Yuan Dynasty and thus has a history of hundreds of years. Many precious things are exhibited here, including the 8-meter-long 「the first wood carving in the area of North Yangtze River」etc.

三、五龙潭公园 The Five-dragon Pool Park



Situated beyond the west gate of Old Jinan City, the Five-dragon Pool Park covers an area of 5.44 hectares, of which 0.8 hectares is covered with waters. The landscape is mainly characterized by spring, pond, pool and stream. 26 famous springs are dotted in the park, making up of the Five-dragon Pool Spring Group, one of the four major spring groups in Jinan. In rainy reasons, all the springs take on various poses, presenting a pleasant sight.

The Five-dragon Pool is located in the center of the park. According to the River Annotation, this spring had existed before the Northern Wei Dynasty. Legend tells us that it was too deepto be fathomable in former days. Every time when it was severe drought, if the people prayed for rains, it would rain indeed. In the Yuan Dynasty, a temple was built by the pool, in which five statues of Dragon Gods were enshrined. After that it was renamed the Five-dragon Pool.

四、环城公园Huancheng(Round- the- city) Park

黑虎泉 the Black-tiger Spring



Located at the southeast corner of Old Jinan city, the Black-tiger Spring faces the Liberation Pavilion across the ancient city moat. In earlier years, below the steep cliff was a deep concave, in front of which stands a dark green megalith, from under which the spring water gushed out.

It seemed that a black tiger hid itself in the deep cave, hence the name. From three stone-carved tiger heads, the spring water streams into the square pool and then enters the moat, just like a waterfall.

Consisting of 15 springs, the Black-tiger Spring Group is one of the four major spring groups in Jinan, whose water discharge is the largest.

琵琶泉 Pipa Spring


Pipa Spring, one of the 72 famous springs, is located to the west of Black-tiger Spring.The spring water gurgles, and it』s just like the music sound played with Pipa.

In 1965, a stone pool was built around the spring, with a length of 6 meters, width of 5 meters and depth of 2 meters. The spring water bubbles up gently from the bottom.

五莲泉 Five-lotus spring


The Five-lotus spring is about half-meter above the surface of the water. There are many spring holes at the bottom, five of which are relatively large. The spring water bubbles up and explodes at the surface, just like five blooming lotuses. In addition, the spring is actually in the City moat, far away from the bank, so it』s also called 「spring in the stream」.

护城河the Ancient City Moat


Water from many Springs collects at here to form the Ancient City Moat, which flows to Daming Lake finally. It covers an area of 26.3 hectares.

In history, the Ancient City Moatservedas a strategic defense project to the city. What』s more, it plays an important role in public transportation and help avoid flood.

Now it』s become a beautiful and popular tourist attraction. The moat is just like a pearl necklace connecting the beautiful pearls of the city like Daming Lake, Baotu Spring, Black-tiger Spring, Five-dragon Pool and other famous springs in the city, visitors can enjoy all of them by cruising on the boat.

