

排版有點亂所以..........加減看!! ^^

recharge my batteries 充電
put it into practice=carry it out 實現
learn a lesson from experiences 經驗中得到教訓
pluck up one's courage 鼓足了勇氣
achieve a complete triumph 大獲全勝
a triumphant smile 勝利的微笑
a sincere apology 真誠的道歉
be under the weather 身體不適
by leaps and bounds 快速地 (好用)

effort and perseverance are indispensable for a successful life 努力和毅力是人生中不可缺少的
honesty is the best policy 誠實為上策
bosom friends=intimate friends 知心好友
happiness consists in contentment 知足常樂
in full force=go all out 用全力
As is often the case 如同往常一樣
It pays to broaden one's horizons 開闊人的眼界是值得的
do some Ving at one's leisure 閒暇時.....做甚麼事情
modesty is a virtue worth cultivating 謙虛是值得培養的美德
unfortunate 不幸的
environment pollution 環境汙染
giobal warming 全球暖化
giobal citizen 世界公民
climate change 氣候變遷
losses of lives and property 生命財產損失
unemployment rate 失業率
underpass 地下道 pedestrian crossing 行人穿越道
intersection 十字路口 footbridge 天橋

live in a plight 活在困境
reduce expenses 減少開支
take~~~for granted 視為理所當然
discouraged , frustrated , depressed=不好的心情
generous 慷慨的 aggressive 有幹勁的


我超愛用的句子耶嘿嘿嘿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ ( ̄▽ ̄)~*

The busier our life is , the more we need recreation to relieve our pressure. 我們的生活越忙,就越需要休閒減輕壓力

Only then did I realize the importance of health. 直到那時我才了解健康的重要

The sense of humor(It) is certainly a lubricant to make life easier and happier. 他的確是使生活更輕鬆,快樂的潤滑劑
(這句好用 因為你可以用虛主詞代替 使用範圍無限大!!!!)

For me, weekend is not merely a rest stop but a filling stop.對我而言,周末不僅是個休息站也是個加油站


Last but not least,..... 最後且最重要的一點是....

at times=from time to time=sometimes=every now and then=once in a while=occasionally 時常

be associated with=be related to=be link to=be connected to 與.....有關..

what's more=furthermore=moreover=besides 此外

under no circumstances=by no means=in no way=on no account 絕不

be noted for=be famous for=be well-known for=be distinguished for=be celebrated for=be renowned for .....有名的

be accustomed to=make a rule of Ving=make it a rule to V 使....習慣...

as you know 就如你所知.....

consequently=as a result=hence=therefore 因此

Don't allow your mind to dwell on past failures.別老想著過去的失敗
There's no accounting for tastes.人的好惡是無法解釋的
once you've given your word,don't back out.一旦許下諾言就不要食言
Adversities can bring out a person's best qualities.種種不幸能激發出一個人最好的特質
A friend in need is a friend indeed.患難見真情
