



A general introduction to the Scenic Spot of Best Spring in the World.Located in the Old City of Jinan, the Scenic Spot of Best Spring in the World was rated to be a 5A scenic spot in August, 2013.It covers an area of 3.1 kilometers, consisting of one river, one lake, three springs and four parks.

One river refers to the city moat. One lake is Daming Lake. Three spring groups include Baotu Spring, Five-dragon Pool and Black Tiger Spring. Four parks are Baotu Spring Park, Huancheng Park, Five-dragon Pool Park and Daming Lake Scenic spot.


一、趵突泉公园:Baotu (Spurting ) Spring Park


Welcome to Baotu Spring Park. The park is located on the southwest corner of the downtown of old Jinan City, with Thousand-Buddha Hill to the south, Daming Lake to the north and Quancheng Square to the east.

The park is home to a cluster of about 27 named springs out of a total of 72,which the city is famed for. Among them,Baotu Spring is the best-known to visitors , hence the name of the park.

东门:The East Gate


The park has three gates, of which the East Gate is the main entrance. It is a national style double-tier architecture with white wall and gray tiles. On the horizontal board is inscribed three golden Chinese characters 「趵突泉」written by Mr. Guo Moruo in 1959, which means 「Baotu Spring」.

龟石:the Turtle Rock


The rock in the bamboo forest is called the Turtle Rock. It looks like two turtles standing face to face. It is 4 meters high and 8tons in weight. It is a typical Taihu rock with the characteristics of a Taihu rock: thinness, crimple, leak, hollowness and elegance.

The rock was originally collected by Zhang Yanghao, a famous dramatist about 700 years ago. It was said that he had collected 10 famous Taihu rocks all his life, and four of them were named Dragon Rock, Phoenix Rock, Kylin Rock and Turtle Rock respectively by their appearance.

Now only this Turtle Rock remains. Turtle is a token of luck and longevity in China, so we can see many tourists are taking pictures with the rock.

南大门: the South Gate

趵突泉南大门占地1575平方米,东西长47.5米,南北深13米,主门高8.4米,设计新颖,古今结合,造型别致具有传统风格和地方特色。红柱、绿瓦,盎然古意。石级、围栏、平台典雅庄重。大门内外颜额上的金字匾牌取自康熙、乾隆手迹,门内侧集书圣王羲之之字。 整个建筑空间通透,园景显露,景色交融,流线贯通,迎门假山上的红枫、耐冬、青松、翠竹与大门相映增辉,优美和谐,有关专家认定,趵突泉南大门堪称中国园林第一门。是济南又一重要景观。

The South Gate of Paotu Spring Park is 47.5 meters wide, 13 meters in depth, and 8.5 meters in height. The red pillar, green tile, stone steps and platform are all of great elegance. It is novel designed with a combination of traditional and modern architecture and local style.

On the horizontal board of both sides are inscribed 「激湍」、「趵突泉」 were from calligraphy work of emperor Kangxi and Qanlong of Qing Dynasty. The three characters「泺源门」 were written by Wang Xizhi, one of the best calligrapher in East Jin Dynasty of ancient China.

The architecture is called 「the No.1 Gate of Chinese Garden」 by experts because of the unique building, beautiful view and plants.

趵突泉:Baotu Spring (Spurting Spring)

泉池呈长方形,长30米,宽18米,深2.2米。趵突泉的三个泉眼日夜不停地喷涌,每秒出水量达到1.5 立方米,当泉水从三个泉眼向上喷涌而出时,三窟并发,声如隐雷,「泉源上奋」,「水涌若轮」 蔚为壮观。

在泉池西侧亭上有两个大字「观澜」是由明朝书法家Jinqin 题写的,亭边水中矗立的石碑上是明朝山东巡抚胡瓒宗所题,第一泉三个大字是清朝书法家王终霖所书。

The pool of Baotu Spring is rectangular, 30 meters long, 18 meters wide and 2.2 meters deep. The spring spurts 1.5 cubic meters of water per second from three openings day and night, presenting a wonderful sight.

When water bursts out through the three outlets, the spring gives thunderous sounds, and water columns surge upward, looking like spinning wheels. Spurting Spring has rich cultural connotations. By the spring there are many inscriptions by celebrities.

The two Chinese characters观澜on the west wall of the pavilion were written by Jinqin, a calligrapher in the Ming Dynasty, the three Chinese characters 趵突泉 inscribed on the stele in the spring water were written by Hu Zanzong, governor of Shandong in the Ming Dynasty.

The other three Chinese characters 第一泉was written by Wang Zhonglin, a calligrapher in the Qing Dynasty.

来鹤桥:Crane-coming Bridge

趵突泉东西之间的这座南北向的小桥,名曰来鹤桥, 桥南首牌坊匾额上分别刻有,「蓬山」指传说中东海神山的蓬莱、方丈、瀛州三座神山。趵突泉的三股水其状如山,但不可攀,好象神话中的蓬莱仙山一般,所以称其为「蓬山旧迹」。趵突泉也就被称为仙境, 泉水也被看做是圣水。所以有饮趵突泉水长生不老之说。

The little bridge from north to south over the spring pool is called Crane-coming Bridge. At the southern end of it stands a classical wooden archway, on the top of either side of the archway is inscribed with four Chinese characters respectively, that is 「蓬山旧迹」和「洞天福地」,means 「Former Site of Penglai Fairyland 」and 「Immmortal』s Residence」 respectively. In ancient times people had once compared the three piles water of Baotu Spring to the three fairyland hills on the East China Sea. They are Penglai, Fangzhang and Yingzhou. Baotu Spring is praised as a fairyland and the water is called holy water. So they believe the water can make people immortal.

泺源堂:Luo Yuan Hall


The hall on the north of Baotu Spring is called 「Luo Yuan Hall」because it is close to the ancient river of Luo. The lyrical couplets composed by Zhao Mengfu , a famous calligrapher and painter in Yuan Dynasty, are hung on the pillars of the hall. 「云雾润蒸华不注,波涛声震大明湖」means「clouds and mists moistening and shrouding the Huabuzhu Mountain, sound of waves and splashes roaring and resonating through the Daming Lake.」These lines vividly described how the spring water steamed and resounded in cold winter days. The couplet was written by Jin Rong, a famous modern calligrapher.

万竹园:The Bamboo Garden

万竹园是一座园中园,面积1.2 公顷,有13个不同的院落组成, 有房屋186万竹园是一座园中园,面积1.2公顷,有13 个不同的院落组成, 有房间186间,此园历史悠久,兼具北方传统园林与南方园林的特色。精致和形象的人物、鸟兽雕刻遍布,这些精美的雕刻可分为三类: 石雕、砖雕和木雕。1986年, 万竹园被辟为著名书法艺术家和美术教育家李苦禅纪念馆,里面陈列著其400 多件书画作品。

The Bamboo Garden is 「a garden within garden」. It covers an area of 1.2 hectares, and consists of 13 courtyards of different style and 186 rooms. With a long history, the garden is a good combination of traditional courtyards in North China dna classical gardens in South China. The exquisitely and vividly carved portraits, birds and animals can be found here and there. The beautiful carvings in the garden can be divided into three categories: stone carvings, brick carvings and wood carvings. In 1986, the garden was opened to public as the Memorial Hall of Li Kuchan, a famous artist of painting and calligraphy , educator of fine arts.

漱玉泉Jade-rinsing Spring


Jade-rinsing Spring is one of the 72 famous springs in Jinan. This spring is related to Li Qingzhao. She is a very famous Ci (a kind of lyric Chinese Poetry )Master of the Song Dynasty about 900 years ago. Li Qingzhao is a native of Jinan. It was said that her former residence is near the spring. When she was young, she often dressed and made herself up against the spring as a mirror. Another saying is when water is knocking at the stone bottom, music of gurgles is played like the sound of jade being rinsed, hence the name.

李清照纪念堂:Memorial Hall of Li Qingzhao



To the north of Jade-rinsing Spring is the Memorial Hall of Li Qiangzhao, a traditional courtyard of ancient China. It is a Song-Dynasty-style architecture. On the gateposts in the front of the main hall are couplets written by Mr. Guo Moruo, a famous literator in modern China. It reads 「the former residence of Li Qinghzhao which is close to Daming Lake and Baotu Spring is shaded by weeping willows」, 「by reading Collected Works of Jade-rinsing Ci and Jinshilu (two master works of Li Qingzhao and her husband), we can find Li Yu』s writing style from her work」 Li Yu is a king of the kingdom of Southern Tang Dyansty more than 1,000 years ago, he is famous for Euphemistic style Ci writing.

Li Qingzhao is an outstanding Ci master in the Song Dynasty. She is an accomplished expert in many fields covering poem, Ci, prose, calligraphy, Chinese painting and music, while she enjoys the highest fame on Ci writing.

假山:The Rockery

进入东门以后,您就看到一座假山, 这是臃肿传统的造景手法, 在公园入口建假山对立面的美景能起到遮挡的作用,不至于对园内景色一览无余。这座假山只有4米高,13米宽,30米长,但是山势险峻不可攀登。

After entering the East Gate, we can see a rockery in front of us. This is a kind of traditional Chinese landscaping. With a rockery in front of the entrance of a park, visitors cannot look through all the beautiful views on the first sight. Although the rockery is only 4 meters high, 13 meters wide and 30 meters long, it is so steep that you will find it impossible to climb it over.
