很少有機會聽到Double Bass領軍的爵士樂團,實在了得+難得!注意力不小心又被鋼琴手Christian Sands吸引過去,超強彈指輪奏(應該是為了要配合double bass),多變音色,往往在同樣pattern瞬間就不知不覺從敲擊音變得柔美,超愛倒數第二首(忘了曲名...)與Encore,高音a弦斷了,Christian McBride 說「那你就自由發揮吧」,因此特別為這顆音鋪陳了幾個戲份,害我忍不住笑出聲~~

Probably my first time to witness a jazz band led by Double Bassist. And the second surprise goes to the pianist Christian Sands, who showed a perfect command of the instruments, esp. the subtle nuances from bass imitation to piano-like lyricism. But, the highlight of the night was how the pianist played with the broken A string, making it a sub-motif....