
ps. 電影中小男孩的鬥狗死掉了,小女孩還借他看《白牙》,天啊是我小時候最愛的小說啊!!!害我又想重溫了....(現在應該有成人版可以看吧?!)

Probably the first Cuban movie I've ever seen. cruel but warm (i know it's kind of weird putting these two words together). people always talk about problem students, but it's the society they should deal with first.
Here're my favorite quotes:
The new teacher asks Carmela who is typing her retirement statement on a typewriter: "Why don't you use the computer?" "I like the words which make sound."
"As a teacher, you have to help students to prepare themselves for the real world, but sometimes you can only try your best to help them not to prepare themselves for the real world."
"When I started teaching, you hadn't been born yet." "Perhaps it's too long." "Not as long as our leaders. Do you think it's too long for them? "maxresdefault