看完梅克爾演講深受感動,決定今晚睡前來看部德國片(誤)《老公鬧雙胞》。家庭陷入危機的男主角, 忽然出現了一位小時候失散的雙胞胎哥哥,是破產又在業界名聲狼狽的演員。兩人開始互相扮演對方人生,也挽救了對方各自的生活,陰錯陽差的劇情超級有義大利喜劇的感覺,還讓我一直想到我弟...哥哥覺得任務達成後,在弟弟家人都去上班上課後,把服裝車鑰匙等「道具」放在餐桌上,如同謝幕般深深一鞠躬,這幕竟然看得我有點感動....

Besser als Du, a German comedy with a Commedia dell'Arte-like twist about how an actor has found his twin brother and saves him from his marriage crisis (bourgeois anxiety) while the latter (the bourgeois ) also saves the actor's romance and career....anyone who works in theatre will feel for the actor when he finishes his job, puts down all the props (car key, glass, etc.), and takes a bow...and of course, it was hard not to think of my brothers when I watched the movie....
