


快與小編一起來看看各地方對 Animal Protection 不同的態度吧!



 Yulin Dog Meat Festival (榆林狗肉節)


tradition of eating dog meat dates back some 500 years in China,South Koreaand other countries.However the Yulin festival is a relatively new one, beginning only in recent years. 中國和韓國吃狗肉的傳統距今已有500年,然而榆林狗肉節卻是在近年來才興起活動。


The Yulin event is a source of pride for many locals, with many restaurants serving dog dishes and people travelling to the city to join in. But it attracts widespread and growing criticism each year. 榆林節是當地人的驕傲,許多餐廳會提供狗的菜餚,人們往往驅車前往參加,但它每年也遭受越來越多的批評。



Residents and vendors in Yulin say the animals are killed in a humane way.But critics say animals are killed brutally and publicly, and are sometimes beaten to death or cooked while still alive.Some photographs show animals wearing collars, suggesting they may have been stolen pets. 榆林的居民和廠商稱動物是被人道地殺死。但批評者表示,動物有時是被殘忍且公開地活活煮熟或毆打致死。而一些照片也顯示動物帶著項圈,這顯示牠們可能是偷來的寵物。



On China's Sina Weibo social network, the majority of netizens have voiced disapproval.This year, media reports say officials have banned the slaughter of dogs in public.A Yulin official said that dog meat sales have in fact been declining continuously. 在中國的新浪微博的社交網絡上,廣大網友都對榆林節表示反對。而今年有媒體報導稱,官員們已禁止公開屠宰狗類,同時狗肉銷量也不斷下降。


However, one dog meat seller said that the opposition to the festival had actually backfired."Because of the protests, more people know that Yulin has a dog meat festival, so everyone comes and tries it." Lin told that. 然而狗肉賣家表示,反對者的意見其實事與願違:「由於抗議活動,更多人知道榆林有狗肉節,所以每個人都來並嘗試。」









 Adopt! Don't shop! (領養代替購買)


The city of LA has banned the commercial sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits. 洛杉磯市已經禁止商業銷售犬,貓,兔。


This decision is meant to prevent backyardbreeders and puppy mills from staying in business.Since retail pet stores must only sell animals adopted from a rescue organization, this will free up room in shelters and decrease strays and euthanized animals這一決定是為了防止繁殖場將動物停留在商業販售上。由於禁令將使寵物店僅能送養從救援機構帶出的動物,此舉將舒緩收容所內的空間壓力,並減少流浪動物及被安樂死的動物數量。



The council voted 12-0 to make the ban permanent, as the temporary ban was meant to be a trial period in case the law proved to be too economically harmful for pet stores.Since it went into effect, more pet stores have hosted adoption events for animals and relied more on the sale of pet supplies. 因為先前施行三年的暫時性禁令是用來評估禁令可能對寵物店造成的損失,結果顯示寵物店多轉為販賣寵物用品,且有更多的寵物店開始舉辦送養活動,所以最終,委員會以12比0的投票結果做出永久禁令。


Though LA isn't the first city to make this decision, it's the largest city to have done so. 雖然LA不是第一個做出這個決定的,但它卻是決定這麼做的最大的城市。










最後附上 Avril Lavigne 為流浪狗所作的歌曲 I'm with you





參考來源:BBC NewsEWAO



