
每年十一月的最後一個星期四 (The last Thursday of November




感恩節的由來是在1620年代英國清教徒(Pilgrims)因宗教迫害的緣故,乘坐著五月花號(the Mayflower)橫越大西洋來到英格蘭移民地,也就是現在的美國麻賽諸塞州。由於不熟悉新環境和寒冷的氣候,許多人因而挨餓受凍,最後生病而死,生活過得非常艱辛。這時,一名叫Squanto的印地安人教導清教徒如何種植蔬菜(如:玉米corn)與捕獵生物為食,因此,這些新移民得以生存下來,並在該年秋天有豐富的收成。這羣清教徒為了感謝印地安人和上天賜給他們一年的豐衣足食,邀請印地安人並為他們準備大餐慶祝,這整個慶祝長達三天之久。


   之後,每年都會有感恩節的慶祝,但因為每年收成的時間不定,有時候是十月,有時是十一月,在美國建國後經由一位女士 Sarah Hale 的鼓吹,美國總統林肯 (Abraham Lincon)正式將十一月的最後一個星期四定為感恩節(Thanksgiving)。


感恩節的傳統大餐就是鼎鼎大名的火雞大餐,每年這個時候,全家人都會在百忙之中抽空和家人團聚。在這個節日中最重要的一環就是全家人一起準備大餐,像是依照家人的口味在火雞中塞入填充佐料(stuffing),通常有撕碎的玉米麵包(corn bread)、白麵包、芹菜(celery)等,另外,還會有小紅梅醬汁(cranberry sauce)和南瓜派(pumpkin pie)作為甜點,準備的過程象徵著家人分工合作和團聚,是感恩節中最值得一提的的地方。感恩節也有它特別的裝飾品像是「豐盛的角」(horn of plenty),象徵著豐沛與富裕。


感恩節大遊行是最受矚目的感恩節活動,它是由美國知名的百貨公司(Macy’s department store)所贊助的汽球造勢活動。在每一年的這個時候都會是大人和小孩所期待的節目。




In the year of 1620, several hundred Pilgrims from England sailed across the Atlantic to the New World on a little ship, the Mayflower. As they began their new life, they faced many problems. The weather was bad and people starved without sufficient food. Many of them were sick and died eventually. But the Pilgrims did not give up on their new life. They worked harder than ever. The Indians came and helped the Pilgrims. They showed the Pilgrims how to plant corns and hunt turkeys. These Pilgrims had a good harvest the next fall. The Pilgrims were thankful. They invited the Indians over for a big three-day celebration.


Later, the celebration was held every year in either October or November due to uncertain harvest period each season. After the American Confederation, a lady named Sarah Hale advocated the importance of this celebration. The president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln made the last Thursday of November the official date for Thanksgiving.


Turkey feast is the traditional dinner celebration for family gathering. Each family will start preparing for the turkey earlier the day. The usual turkey stuffing includes corn bread, white bread, and celery. There will also be cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie on the side. This preparation process symbolizes family reunion. The traditional decoration will be cornucopia, the horn of plenty which symbolizes wealth and prosperity.


Thanksgiving parade is another major event held in the USA celebrating this great holiday. Macy’s department store sponsors this parade by providing designed balloons. This event is very popular among the Americans.


Nowadays, Thanksgiving is an important holiday in the USA and Canada. People gather together with their family and friends. Often, they have big turkey dinners. But the really important thing is always being thankful.


