I. Am. Done. With. School.


For now.


I did my last finals today for the spring 2012 semester!


It was horrible and exciting at the same time, considering I won't be coming back to "regular" school (for classes and stuff) for the summer and possible the fall semester.


Freedom is finally upon me! 


But, since the San Gemini thing is still not confirmed yet.....all I know is that we *might* go to HK from mid-July to end of August.


Other plans are still unsure.


Even my co-op plans!


I am suppose to see the co-op advisor in May, but considering I won't be getting the upass for the summer semester and might, probably, hopefully....going to San Gemini in mid-May, I arranged a meeting with him on Wednesday. Might as well make a use of my April upass! :P


Spring 2012 was not very kind to me, but I did learn a lot. And I'm forever grateful for knowledge. Always. Eternally. 


Anyhow...I should go take a nice and long shower then watch some awesome movies. ^_^
