








一: 機場篇

① .請問1號登機口在哪?

Excuse me, where is boarding gate one? 


When are we taking off?


I want to reconfirm my flight.


where can I get the boarding pass for flight CZ623?


Where can I get my baggage/luggage?

⑥. 我的這件行李可以帶上飛機嗎?

Can I carry this baggage onto the plane?

⑦. 我的行李丟了,可以幫我廣播一下嗎?

I lost my luggage, would you please broadcast it for me?


Would you mind switching seats with me?

⑨. 可以給我一條毛毯嗎?

May I have a blanket?

⑩ . 請給我一杯白開水/茶/橙汁。

Please give me a glass of water / a cup of tea / a cup of coffee / a glass of orange juice.

二: 轉機篇

① .請問要轉機的話應該怎麼走?

Where do I make my connection?

② .我要去哪裏坐接駁航班?

where should I go to board my connecting flight ?

③ .我錯過我的轉機航班了嗎?

Have I missed my connection?

④ . 換乘時間多久?

How long is my transfer time ?

⑤ . 轉機是不是需要再次託運我的行李?

Will I have to claim and re-check my baggage for 

connection flights?


Do I need to go through Immigration for 

connection flights?

⑦. 停留多長時間?

How long is the layover?

⑧ . 我應該在A機場的哪個航站樓轉機?

What terminal does my flight leave from at A airport?


Is there a place we can stay in during our wait ?


Where can I find you later when I have questions?

三: 住宿篇

① 您好,我之前在網上預訂了一個三人間/雙人間/單人間,請幫我辦理入住。

Hello, I have booked a triple / double / single room online, please help me check in.

② 您好,我想取消預訂。

Hello, I'd like to cancel my reservation.

③ 進房/退房時間是什麼時候呢?

When is check-in time/ check-out time?

④ 你可以帶我到我的房間嗎?

Could you show me my room? 

⑤ 請問您這裏有轉換插頭嗎?

Do you have a plug adapter here?

⑥ 您好,我房間裏的插座/淋浴/電視壞了,可以來幫我修一下嗎?

Hello, the shower / TV in my room is broken, can you fix it?

⑦ 緊急出口和樓梯在那裏?

Where is the emergency exit and staircase?

⑧ 請問我的房費包括早飯嗎?早飯多少錢?

Does my room rate include breakfast? How much is breakfast?

⑨ 我可以把行李寄存在這裏,直到x點鐘回來取嗎?

Can I store my luggage here until x o'clock?

⑩ 可以幫我叫一輛計程車嗎?

Could you call a taxi for me?


① .這裏有從機場去市中心的巴士嗎?

Is there an airport bus to center city?

② .巴士車站在哪裏?

Where is the bus stop?

③ .乘計程車到市中心需要多少錢?

How much does it cost to take a taxi to center city?

④ 我想辦張公交卡,你知道哪裏辦嗎?

I would like to get a new metro card. Do you know where I should go?

⑤ 在哪裏買票?

Where can I get a ticket?

⑥ 請拉我去這個地址。

Take me to this address, please.

⑦ 請停在這裏。

stop here, please.

⑧ 請在下個路口停車。

Please stop at the next intersection.

⑨ 我可以用信用卡付車資嗎?

Can I pay the fare by credit card?

⑩ 能開一下後備箱嗎?

Can you open the trunk ?


① 你好,我們有2位

Hi, a table for two, please

② .請給我菜單。

May I have a menu?

③ 你們有中文的菜單嗎?

Do you have a menu in Chinese?

④  請問今日特價菜是什麼?

What is today's special ?

⑤ 我想要嘗試一下當地的食物。

I would like to have some local food.

⑥  可以給我一杯熱水嗎?

May I have a glass of hot water?

⑦ 這裏最受歡迎的餐點是什麼呢﹖

What is the most popular dish here?

⑧. 請問洗手間在哪兒?

Where is the restroom?


I'd like to take this away, thank you.

⑩  請結賬,我可以刷卡付款嗎?

Check, please. Can I pay by credit card?


① 請問附近最大的百貨商店在哪兒?

Where is the largest shopping mall nearby?

② 這裏有免稅商店嗎?

Is there a duty-free shop?

③ 請問我可以試穿這件嗎?我通常穿S號/M號/L號的。

May I try it on? I usually wear size S / M / L.


Where is the fitting room?

⑤ 我想買幾個旅遊紀念品送給朋友們,您有什麼推薦嗎?

I want to buy some souvenirs for my friends, you have any recommendations?

⑥ 這件衣服不合適,請問可以退貨嗎?

This dress doesn't fit, may I return it?

⑦ 你能賣便宜一點嗎?

Can you come down a little bit?

⑧ .收銀臺在哪裏?

Where is the cashier?

⑨ 退稅窗口在哪裏?

Where is the tax refund window?

⑩ 不,謝謝了.我只是隨便看看而已.

No,thanks. I'm just have a look. 



Could you tell me what the exchange rate for __?

 ② 我要哪裏換錢?

 Where can I change money?


What is the exchange rate?


Can you change this into dollars?

⑤ 請換500美元,再另外能否給我10元的小面額零錢?

Five hundred dollars,please.And could you give me ten dollar in small change?

⑥ 請將大鈔換成零錢。

I'd like some small change.

⑦ 哪裏有自助取款機?

Where is the ATM?

⑧  可以麻煩給我收據嗎?

Could I have a receipt,please?

⑨ 你這裏可以接受旅行支票嗎?

Do you accept traveler's checks?

⑩ 一美元價值7元人民幣。

A dollar is valued at seven RMB 


① 我的包被偷了,裏面有護照和銀行卡,可以幫我報警嗎

My bag was stolen, there are passports and bank cards, can you help me call the police?

 ② 我身體不舒服,請幫我叫輛救護車好嗎?/請幫我叫輛車去醫院好嗎?

I feel sick, would you please call an ambulance for me?

③ .我被車撞了,肇事司機逃逸了。

I was hit by a car, the driver fled.

④ 我和家人走散了,可以幫我給他們打個電話嗎?

I'm lost and I can't find my family, would you please help me to give them a call?

⑤ 我迷路了,這是酒店的名片,可以告訴我從這裏怎麼回酒店嗎?

I'm lost, this is the hotel's business card,do you know how to get to the hotel from here?

 ⑥ 請問最近的藥店在哪兒?

Where is the nearest pharmacy?

⑦  您好,我感冒/發燒船/腹瀉,請問該買哪種藥?

Hello, I have a cold / fever / seasickness / diarrhea, what kind of medicine should I buy?

⑧ 我暈車/船,可以給我一個嘔吐袋嗎?

I get car sickness / seasick, can I have a vomit bag?

⑨ 什麼時候我能知道結果? 

 Where should I come to get it? 

⑩ 中國大使館在哪?

Could you call for a Chinese speaking staff? 






