#誠徵各種意見# 本人運營小白,985英語在讀研究生,喜歡看美劇,有意做好「美劇口語」這個專欄,如果你對該專欄有什麼看法批評或建議,歡迎吐槽指正,給出寶貴意見,在下就感激不盡啦!!!!


這集,紐約市很多地方都停電(black out)了,Chandler和維秘模特(Victorias Secret model)被困在ATM前廳,由此發生了許多搞笑的情節,可以說這集Chandler的表現很Chandler了。Joey鼓勵Ross趁機向Rachel表白,沒想到被一隻貓咪搞砸了局,而Rachel也因此認識了貓咪的主人Paolo,Ross和Rachel就這樣完美錯過。Chandler和Joey這對好基友的默契再次上線,Monica也很無奈阿。




Jill: Hi Mom, its Jill.

Chandler: Shes right, its Jill. Jill Goodacre. Oh my God. I am trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre!...Is it a vestibule? Maybe its an atrium. Oh, yeah, that is the part to focus on, you idiot!

Jill: Yeah, Im fine. Im just stuck at thebank, in an ATM vestibule.

Chandler: Jill says vestibule... Im going withvestibule.

be trapped in 被困在 vestibule [v?st?bjul] n. 前廳;門廊

atrium [etr??m] n. 中庭,天井前廳 focus on 集中於

You idiot! (口)你這個白痴/你這個傻瓜/你這個笨蛋!

be stuck at/in 被困在

go with 這裡不是「和……一起走」的意思,這個片語在口語中,在不同場合意思不同,這裡用作「採用」的意思;


同……一道去,如:I will go wiyh you. 我會和你一起去。

與……協調,與……搭配,如:She chose a necklace to go with her outfit. 她選了一條項鏈來搭配衣服。

伴隨,如:The salary goes with the job makes himsatisfy. 工資所帶來的薪資是他滿足。


Joey: Hi everyone.

Ross: And officiating at tonights blackout, is Rabbi Tribbiani.

officiate [of???et] vt. 主持(儀式);擔任裁判

officiate at 主持, officiate at a marriage 主持婚禮

Rabbi 拉比(猶太人的學者)


Chandler: Im trppd... in an ATM vstbl... wth Jll Gdcr!

Monica: I have no idea what you just said.

Chandler: Put Joey on the phone.

have no idea 不清楚;不知道,在口語中常用到

put sb on (the phone) 請某人接電話

put sb through 為某人接通電話

如:Can you put me through to customer services,please?



Rachel: There, well, see? Barry wouldnt evenkiss me on a miniature golf course.

Ross: Come on.

Rachel: No, he said we were holding up thepeople behind us.

miniature [m?n?t??]微型的;小規模的 golf course 高爾夫球場

Come on. 在口語中經常用到,有多種意思:

1、表示催促:Come on! The party will bagin at seven.


2、表示鼓勵、勸說:Come on! You can do it. 來吧!你可以的。


「Come on! Come on!」She yelled to me.

她向我大喊:「 加油!加油!」


Comeon! Dont give me a hard time. 得了吧,別難為我了。

5、表示請求或撒嬌:Come on!Im asking a favor.


hold up 阻礙;耽擱


Ross: What?Why not?

Joey: Because you waited too long to make your move, and now youre in the friend zone.

Ross: No, no, no. Im not in the zone.

Joey: Ross, youre mayor of the zone.

Ross: Im taking my time, alright? Im laying the groundwork. Yeah. I mean, every day I get just a little bit closer to…

make ones move 採取行動

friend zone 朋友區間(指的是兩個人之間的柏拉圖式的友誼,其中一個人希望能和對方發展出浪漫戀情)

take ones time 從容不迫;慢慢來

lay the groundwork 打基礎

He worked hard and laid the groundwork for his future. 他努力學習,為未來打下基礎。


Ross: Wha-What did he say that was so funny?

Rachel: I have absolutely no idea.

Ross: Thats... thats classic.

Rachel: Oh my God, you guys, what am I doing? What amI doing? This is so un-me!

Thats classic 這太典型了。(這裡的意思是女人都這樣。)

相同用法:Thiss so typical. 這太典型了。(總是這樣/老是這樣)

This is so un-me!這一點都不像我!這裡的un-是前綴,表示否定。在口語中,美國人經常會用前綴、後綴或相似相反意思的詞來創造一些詞,表示自己想表達的意思。在老友記的對話中經常有出現這種情況,如:ROSS: "you over me?...when did you under me?"

這句話是Ross聽到Rachel 電話留言說「我已經把你忘了」時說的, over me 是指「忘記我」,over也指「在……上面」,而Ross 當時聽到這個時說了句when did you under me?,under「在……下面」是over的反義詞,其實就是表示「你什麼時候沒有忘了我?」的意思。


Chandler: Ah, lets see. What next? Blow a bubble. Abubbles good. Its got a... boyish charm, its impish. Here we go.

Chandler: Nicegoing, imp. OK, its OK. All I need to do is reach over and put it in my mouth.

Chandler: Good save! Were back on track, andIm... ..chewing someone elses gum. This is not my gum. Oh my God! Oh my God! Andnow youre choking.

blow a bubble 吹泡泡;吹泡泡糖泡 boyish charm 男性魅力 impish 頑皮的

Nice going. (俚語) 幹得好/做的好!

Good save! (口)補救得好!

back on track 重回軌道;回到正軌

