▲▼流浪漢失去家園愛犬又走失 重逢狗狗激動飛撲:怎麼現在才來。(圖/翻攝自Memphis Animal Services臉書)

▲狗狗看到熟悉的身影來接牠開心飛撲。(圖/翻攝自Memphis Animal Services臉書)






▲▼流浪漢失去家園愛犬又走失 重逢狗狗激動飛撲:怎麼現在才來。(圖/翻攝自Memphis Animal Services臉書)



動物收容所Memphis Animal Services的一名志工看到傳單,發現照片上的狗狗與收容所新來的一隻白狗相似,比對特徵之後確定是波波,趕緊打電話請安東尼來相認。當志工將狗牽出來,波波看到思念已久的主人狂搖尾巴,撲向他懷裡撒嬌磨蹭,彷彿在說著,「你怎麼現在才來接我!」重逢的時刻讓大家熱淚盈眶,連收容所發言人Katie都感動直呼,「可以看到他們毫無保留表達對彼此的思念與愛,真是太感動了!」 。

▲▼流浪漢失去家園愛犬又走失 重逢狗狗激動飛撲:怎麼現在才來。(圖/翻攝自Memphis Animal Services臉書)



TEARJERKER REUNION ALERT Anthony is an artist who found himself homeless after some devastating events in his life. He doesn’t have a place to live, and he doesn’t always have food to eat. But he has a best friend, a sweet dog named Bobo. And he always makes sure Bobo has enough to eat. A couple weeks ago, Anthony woke up to find Bobo was gone. He was distressed and immediately contacted friends to help him look for Bobo. They made signs and put them all over town. They talked to the people who knew Anthony and Bobo. When a dog matching Bobo’s description showed up at MAS yesterday, one of our employees, Emily, recognized Bobo immediately! She called the number on the LOST poster, and Anthony’s friend gave him a ride to the shelter within minutes to see Bobo again. Their reunion was pure joy. Bobo could not contain his happiness at seeing his dad again. Today Bobo got neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated, and we found out he was heartworm negative. We sent him back to Anthony with a year’s supply of heartworm prevention, a bag of dog food, and a harness, leash, collar, and ID tag. Bobo is healthy and happy, but he needs to keep going to the vet every year to stay that way. If you’d like to donate toward his continued care at Utopia Animal Hospital so that’s one less thing Anthony has to worry about, call 901-746-8758. Music: Dreamcatcher from https://www.purple-planet.com https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-anthony-and-bobo-get-back-on-their-feet

Memphis Animal Services 發佈於 2019年9月12日 星期四


