2011年Fueled by Ramen 15周年演唱會上的"One Foot" 是我最喜歡的One Foot演出 (也因為影像品質比較優、可以看得比較清楚)
但不知為何Nate這天有點喘? 也許當時還沒養成跑步的習慣 .....
一出場就是三支管樂 (Andrew的富魯格號Flugelhorn、Jack的小喇叭???、Emily的薩克斯風)大肆地開場,好不熱鬧! 然後隨著歌的進行,除了Nate以外,每個人像是變魔術一樣分飾很多角,除了唱合聲、彈奏原來負責的樂器,還要再加上管樂,完全是典型的fun.的表演,每個人都才華洋溢,看得過癮得不得了。

這是一首腳踏實地的歌,像是說:我的人生就像進行曲一樣,一步一步往前走而已。激昂的管樂配上憤世嫉俗的歌詞,this is so much fun. (XD)
One Foot  

I'm standing in Brooklyn just waiting for something to happen.
I can’t help but love thinking that everyone doesn’t get it.
To my left there’s a window.
Where did I go?
My reflection just blends in to rows of clothes and bad ideas, but ideas nonetheless in a song.
我的身影和時裝店的衣服交織成一片  還有我那成不了歌的爛靈感

I put one foot in front of the other one.
I don’t need a new love or a new life just a better place to die.
I put one foot in front of the other one.
I don’t need a new love or a new life just a better place to die.
I put one foot in front of the other one.
I don’t need a new love or a new life just a better place to die.
我腳踏實地  (一次往前踩一步)
不奢求什麼 (不需要新感情或新生活)
I happened to stumble upon a chapel last night.
And I can’t help but back up when I think of what’s happens inside.
I got friends locked in boxes. And no way to live.
But you call it a sin. Isn’t up to them.
After all, after all I thought we were all your children,
But I will die for my own sins thanks a lot.
We’ll raise up ourselves thanks for nothing at all, so up off the ground up for fathers who are nothing but dust now.

I put one foot in front of the other one.
I don’t need a new love or a new life just a better place to die.
I put one foot in front of the other one.
I don’t need a new love or a new life just a better place to die.
我腳踏實地  (一次往前踩一步)
不奢求什麼 (不需要新感情或新生活)

Maybe I should learn to shut my mouth.
I am over twenty-five and I can’t make a name for myself some nights I break down and cry
I’m lucky that my father’s still alive he’s been fighting all his life 
and if this is all I’ve ever known then may his soul live on forever in my song.

I put one foot in front of the other one.
I don’t need a new love or a new life just a better place to die.
I put one foot in front of the other one.
I don’t need a new love or a new life just a better place to die.
我腳踏實地  (一次往前踩一步)
不奢求什麼 (不需要新感情或新生活)

In front of the other one
In front of the other one
Just a better place to die.
我腳踏實地  (一次往前踩一步)