

standard for livestreaming platforms

Hubei province has issued Chinas first standard for livestreaming platforms and hosts in a move that aims to weed out misbehaving hosts and impose strict surveillance measures on livestreaming companies.


The standards include requirements on content, account supervision, platform inspection and how hosts should dress.


《網路直播主播管理規範》要求,女主播服裝不應過透過露(revealing clothes),不能穿著情趣制服(sexy uniforms)、情趣內衣(sexy lingerie)、透視裝(see-through clothes)、肉色緊身衣(flesh-colored tights)等;未成年人單獨出鏡直播,須提供監護人身份證和戶口本,以及由監護人簽署的申請書等(minors will only be allowed to take part in a broadcast if a guardian signs an application and provides details of their identity card and household registration)。

同時,《網路直播平台管理規範》重點明確了用戶舉報,要求直播平台設置便捷醒目的用戶舉報通道,確保24小時暢通(24-hour reporting channel);對於網友舉報的違規賬號,直播平台應在接到舉報後90秒內,對其進行強制禁言、封號(block its livestream for a period of time or terminate the account)等處理。

網路直播平台(live streaming platforms)已經成為大眾生活不可或缺的一部分。無論是用戶數量的迅猛增長、資本的爭相湧入,還是各大直播平台的相繼入場,都預示著直播經濟(livestreaming economy)的到來。

According to statistics from the China Internet Network Information Center, there were 425 million subscribers to Chinese livestreaming platforms as of August, a significant number in a country with 802 million internet users.



foreign currency red packet

The foreign currency red packet, which made its debut in January, is priced at 128 yuan each.


The red packet comprises 50 notes in 26 foreign currencies, and every note is sealed in a plastic cover with information related to its country of origin. More information can be obtained by scanning the QR code on the cover.



Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has also rolled out the foreign currency red packets this year, which is priced at 598 yuan per set. Most of the notes are less seen, coming from countries like Cambodia or Zimbabwe.



第一,了解商家是否具備兌換和經營外匯的資格(the product provider is qualified to grant such foreign currency products),是否是國家外匯管理局批准從事外匯兌換的銀行或指定外匯兌換點(designated unit for foreign exchange)。

第二,了解外幣紅包中的外幣是否支持真偽鑒別(verify currency authenticity),保證全部真幣。小心買到假鈔,沒有防偽標誌碼,甚至是印刷品。

第三,了解商家是否有當面驗收貨(examine the currency in person)、不滿意無損退(get full refund if the product is intact)的保障,保證自身權益。


Spring Festival gala

The 2019 China Central Television (CCTV) Spring Festival Gala attained an aggregate viewership of 1.173 billion across all platforms, up about 42 million over the same period last year.


This year, more than 621.4 million people in China and another 24.8 million overseas watched the show on television, while a surging number of viewers -- 527 million -- watched it on new media platforms: apps, websites, video-streaming sites and social media.


Online approval ratings of the gala hit a whopping 96.98 percent.


央視春晚在除夕夜(Chinese Lunar New Years eve)播出,是中國收視率最高的電視節目(most-watched television show)。今年央視春晚的收視率創下新紀錄(set a new viewership record)。

對很多中國家庭來說,央視春晚(CCTV Spring Festival Gala)已經成為春節慶祝活動不可缺少的一部分(an integral part of the Chinese New Year rituals)。整場晚會通常持續幾個小時(run for several hours),直到午夜,很多家庭會「守夜」迎接新年(stay up late to usher in the new year)。


travel accident insurance

In 2018, the number of Chinese travelers who bought travel accident insurance for outbound trips jumped nearly 20 percent year-on-year, according to a report by Ctrip.com International Ltd.


In terms of payouts, 46 percent of money went to compensating travel schedule changes, 35 percent was for travel delays, and 15 percent for medical care costs, said Ctrip.


據統計,在醫療理賠案件(medical claims)中,摔傷(trips and falls)佔比最高,其次是感冒發燒、急性腸胃炎和動物咬傷抓傷。意外摔傷案件中,超過一半是中老年人(middle-aged and senior people)。

報告發現,境外游(overseas trips)風險整體大於境內游(domestic trips),尤其是一些長線旅行目的地(long-distance overseas destinations)(如美國、加拿大、紐西蘭等國)以及海島國家(tropical islands)。

海島目的地是很多遊客嚮往的度假勝地(dream island holiday),快艇顛簸導致腰傷骨折(yachting mishaps)、浮潛或游泳溺水等都屢見不鮮。

被偷被搶(robbery cases)等財產損失也是旅遊者的一大風險,歐洲案發率最高,從攜程旅遊客戶和報案理賠看,歐洲佔國內外此類案件的20%。


repair bad credit records

The Development and Reform Commission of Zhejiang province recently issued a regulation that stipulates the conditions and procedures for individuals and organizations hoping to repair their bad credit records.


信用記錄(credit records)與我們生活中的各種行為相關,信用卡以及銀行貸款是否按時還款、水電燃氣等生活費用是否按時繳納、乘坐飛機火車出行是否有違規行為等都可能影響到我們的信用記錄,良好的信用記錄(good credit records)可能會讓我們享受到一些優惠和便利,而不良信用記錄(bad credit records)則可能讓我們寸步難行。

所以,信用修復(repair bad credit records/credit repair)就是讓有不良信用記錄的單位和個人有機會糾正失信行為,並最終消除失信記錄(eliminate bad credit records)。


行政處理決定和司法裁判等明確的法定責任和義務履行完畢(completely fulfill the administrative decision or judicial judgment they have been given),社會不良影響基本消除(eliminate their bad social influence);

各省級公共信用信息提供單位可結合本行業實際制定不良信息修復期限(the time limit for repairing a credit record),但原則上自不良信息認定之日起修復期限應滿1年及以上;

自不良信息認定之日起至申請信用修復期間未產生新的記入信用檔案的同類不良信息(have no new bad credit recorded)。

根據《辦法》的規定,不良信息主體(individuals and organizations with bad credit records)向作出不良信息認定的公共信用信息提供單位提出信用修復申請。不良信息修復後,不再作為負面信息使用(the negative information will be eliminated from credit report after repairing)。


Internet Plus nursing services


According to the announcement, Internet Plus nursing services will be an online system that will enable discharged patients and elderly or disabled people to call registered nurses to visit them at home and provide nursing services.



方案提到,「互聯網+護理服務(Internet Plus nursing services)」重點對高齡或失能老年人(elderly or disabled people)、康復期患者(convalescents)和終末期患者(terminally ill patients)等行動不便的人群,提供慢病管理(chronic care management)、康復護理(rehabilitation nursing)、專項護理(specific care)、健康教育(health education)、安寧療護(hospice care)等方面的護理服務。


方案明確,派出的註冊護士應當至少具備五年以上臨床護理工作經驗(registered nurses sent by pilot medical institutions should have at least five years of clinical nursing service experience)和護師(nurse practitioner)以上技術職稱,能夠在全國護士電子註冊系統中查詢。


方案提出,試點醫療機構或互聯網信息技術平台應當按照協議要求,為護士提供手機APP定位追蹤系統,配置護理工作記錄儀(nursing work recorder),使服務行為全程留痕可追溯(traceable),配備一鍵報警裝置(one-click alarm device),購買責任險、醫療意外險和人身意外險等。要建立醫療糾紛和風險防範機制(medical dispute and risk prevention mechanism),制訂應急處置預案。同時,暢通投訴、評議渠道,接受社會監督(open to public supervision),維護群眾健康權益。

去年,不少地區就已經出現「共享護士(nurse sharing)」服務,操作方式與其他共享類服務app相似,也是線上預約(making appointment online),線下服務(offering service offline),提供上門打針輸液(injection and IV)、靜脈采血(blood draw)、外科傷口換藥(wound dressing change)、灌腸(coloclysis)、吸痰導尿(aspiration of sputum and urethral catheterization)、鼻飼(nasal feeding)護理及指導等10多項服務。


Mount Qomolangma base camp


Kelsang, deputy director with the reserves administration, said ordinary tourists are allowed to visit areas around Rongpo Monastery, 5,150 meters above sea level.


As for travelers who have a climbing permit, they can go to the base camp at an altitude of 5,200 meters.


珠穆朗瑪峰國家級自然保護區(Mount Qomolangma National Nature Reserve)於1988年設立,涉及西藏日喀則市定日、聶拉木、吉隆和定結四縣,總面積3.38萬平方公里,位於中國境內及中尼邊界上的五座海拔8000米以上山峰均在區內。

根據《中華人民共和國自然保護區條例》,自然保護區分為核心區(core zone)、緩衝區(buffer zone)和實驗區(experimental zone)。《條例》中表述:核心區「禁止任何單位和個人進入;除依照本條例第二十七條的規定經批准外,也不允許進入從事科學研究活動」。

2018年,珠峰保護區功能分區重新調整並獲國務院批准。調整後,屬實驗區的絨布寺一帶依據《條例》可以進入從事科學試驗(scientific experiments)、教學實習(teaching and practicing)、參觀考察(visit and inspection)、旅遊(travel)等活動。絨布寺以上區域為珠峰保護區核心區。


多年來,大批登山者前來挑戰極限,以至於山上遺留了大量人體排泄物(human feces)及睡袋(sleeping bags)、氧氣瓶(oxygen tanks)等各種非生物降解的登山設備(non-biodegradable climbing equipment)。


The total number of climbers attempting to reach the summit from the north side will be capped at 300 this year, a third fewer than normal, as China begins a large-scale clean-up of the world』s highest peak.


China has set up stations to sort, recycle and break down the rubbish; on the Nepalese side, organizers have started sending large waste bags with climbers during the spring climbing season to collect trash that can be winched back to base camp by helicopters.


中國今年還將首次對海拔8000米以上的登山者屍體(the remains of mountaineering victims)進行集中處理。西藏體育局還要求登山者,在下山的時候都必須攜帶8公斤的垃圾下來。

尼泊爾從2014年開始,向登山隊收取4000美元的垃圾保證金(garbage deposit of $4,000),若隊內有成員下山時未帶回8公斤的垃圾和人類排泄物(bring back 8 kg of trash and human waste),這筆保證金將被沒收(the deposit will be forfeited)。


Lantern Festival night in the Forbidden City

The Palace Museum announced on its official website on Sunday that the "Lantern Festival night in the Forbidden City" will be held for two consecutive nights on February 19 and 20.


The event is the first of its kind in the Palace Museums 94-year history. The main locations open to the public will be the Meridian Gate exhibition hall, the Gate of Supreme Harmony, the East Wall, the Gate of Divine Might and other areas of the Palace Museum.


故宮介紹,此次活動不收費(free of charge),將邀請勞動模範(model workers)、北京榜樣、快遞小哥(deliverymen)、環衛工人(sanitation workers)、解放軍和武警官兵(PLA and armed force soldiers)、消防隊員(fire fighters)、公安幹警(police officers)等各界代表以及觀眾朋友(預約成功者)數千人,前往觀燈賞景,共賀良宵。


vocational education reform


China has vowed to cultivate more quality laborers and skilled workers by reforming its vocational education systems, according to the plan.


Vocational education and training systems will be reformed to match with science and technology development trends and market demands and to promote economic modernization and higher quality employment, the official documents note.


《方案》提出,從2019年開始,在職業院校、應用型本科高校啟動「學歷證書+若干職業技能等級證書(diploma plus certificates of vocational skills)」制度試點工作。

到2022年,職業院校教學條件基本達標,一大批普通本科高等學校嚮應用型轉變,建設50所高水平高等職業學校(50 high quality higher vocational schools)和150個骨幹專業(群)(150 core specialties)。


一是完善國家職業教育制度體系(improve national systems and policies relating to vocational education)。

二是構建職業教育國家標準(establish national standards for vocational education)。

三是促進產教融合(promote integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities)。

四是建設多元辦學格局(diversified operation of vocational schools)。


No. 1 central document

2月19日,新華社受權發布《中共中央 國務院關於堅持農業農村優先發展做好「三農」工作的若干意見》。



This year and the next will mark a decisive period for completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and quite a few tough tasks must be fulfilled in the fields relating to agriculture, rural areas and rural people.


Unswerving efforts must be made to ensure that addressing the issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and rural people enjoy a central place on the work agenda of the CPC.

中央一號文件(No. 1 central document)指中共中央每年發布的第一份文件(the first policy statement released by central authorities each year)。中共中央在2004年至2019年連續十六年發布以「三農」(農業、農村、農民)為主題的中央一號文件,強調了「三農」問題(issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers)在中國社會主義現代化時期「重中之重」的地位。


double-decker bullet train

A model of Chinas future double-decker bullet train was unveiled by the Chinese Academy of Sciences on Monday, with experts predicting it could reach speeds of up to 350 kilometers per hour.


據介紹,雙層動車組(double-decker bullet train)瞄準國際市場,以時速160公里為基礎技術平台,車體、轉向架等核心部件按照高速動車組的標準設計、驗證(core components designed according to the current standards for high-speed trains),可以根據不同需求進行技術升級(technological upgrade),達到時速160公里以上多種速度等級。同時整車採用輕量化設計,複合制動控制(hybrid braking system),安全節能環保。

西南交通大學教授張衛華介紹說,德國、法國的下一代高速列車均提倡用雙層動車組技術,其目標是提高旅客乘坐能力,提升運能(improving passenger capacity),提高經濟性(economic efficiency)。

列車高速行駛,如果車體加高、荷載加重,高速轉彎時會因離心力作用導致失穩(lose stability due to centrifugal forces),這也是雙層高鐵動車組研製中最關鍵的問題。

張衛華說:「就速度來說,只要解決了低重心和大容量等設計技術問題(design and technical problems such as the trains high center of gravity and large passenger capacity),單層速度跑時速350公里,雙層動車速度也應該沒問題。」


assigning homework on mobile apps

Zhejiang province is moving to ban teachers from assigning homework on mobile apps as part of an effort to save students eyesight.


Along with banning app-based homework assignments, the regulation would limit the use of electronic devices to 30 percent of total teaching time and instead encourage homework to be completed by hand on paper.


作業方面,小學一二年級不布置書面家庭作業(no written homework at all should be assigned to children in the first two years of school),三至六年級書面家庭作業完成時間不得超過60分鐘,初中不得超過90分鐘,高中階段也要合理安排作業時間。

在考試管理方面,全面推進義務教育學校免試就近入學全覆蓋(fully implement the policy ensuring that children can receive compulsory education at schools close to where they live without having to take entrance exams)。小學一二年級每學期不得超過1次,其他年級每學期不得超過2次。嚴禁以任何形式、方式公布學生考試成績和排名(no release of test results and ranks in any form);嚴禁以各類競賽獲獎證書、學科競賽成績或考級證明等作為招生入學依據(enrollment based on academic competition results will be banned);嚴禁以各種名義組織考試選拔學生。

防控兒童青少年近視,浙江省教育廳還要求,強化體育課和課外鍛煉(increase the time for sports and extra-curricular activities),大課間、課外體育活動、眼保健操時間均納入課表(long breaks, extra-curricular sports activities and eye exercises will be included in school schedules),嚴格按規定時間組織實施。兒童青少年近視防控工作(myopia prevention and control)、總體近視率(overall myopia rate)和體質健康狀況(physical health)納入政府績效考核的要求。



Breakdancing has been proposed for inclusion in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, organizers have announced. It is among four sports that organizers will propose to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), as well as surfing, climbing and skateboarding, which will all debut at Tokyo 2020.


霹靂舞(breakdancing)起源於上世紀60年代末、70年代初,最初在非裔和拉丁裔美國年輕人當中興起,有時也簡稱為breaking、b-boying或b-girling(跳霹靂舞的人就可以簡稱為breaker、b-boy或b-girl),屬於街舞(street dance)的一種。霹靂舞的動作多為即興(improvisational),主要強調能量、動作、創意,還有一點點危險的感覺。這裡的break指DJ通過混音製造出的連續的舞曲節拍(a continuous dancing beat)。

2018年,霹靂舞作為新增項目首次在阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯青奧會(Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires)亮相。


Chinas Education Modernization 2035

Chinas Education Modernization 2035 plan sets the direction for the development of the education sector so that its overall capacity and international influence are strengthened.



到2020年,全面實現「十三五」發展目標,教育總體實力和國際影響力顯著增強(overall capacity and international influence are strengthened),勞動年齡人口平均受教育年限明顯增加,教育現代化取得重要進展,為全面建成小康社會作出重要貢獻。

在此基礎上,再經過15年努力,到2035年,總體實現教育現代化,邁入教育強國(education power)行列,推動我國成為學習大國、人力資源強國和人才強國(making China a powerhouse in terms of education,human resources and talents),為到本世紀中葉建成富強民主文明和諧美麗的社會主義現代化強國(to build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful by the middle of the century)奠定堅實基礎。


建成服務全民終身學習的現代教育體系(a modern education system of lifelong learning)、普及有質量的學前教育(universal quality preschool education)、實現優質均衡的義務教育(quality and balanced compulsory education)、全面普及高中階段教育、職業教育服務能力顯著提升(enhanced vocational education)、高等教育競爭力明顯提升( more competitive higher education)、殘疾兒童少年享有適合的教育(special schooling for the disabled)、形成全社會共同參與的教育治理新格局。


一是學習習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想(following Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era)。

二是發展中國特色世界先進水平的優質教育(building world-class education sector with Chinese Characteristics)。

三是推動各級教育高水平高質量普及(improving the accessibility of quality education from pre-school to higher education stages)。

四是實現基本公共教育服務均等化(ensuring equal access to basic public education services)。

五是構建服務全民的終身學習體系(establishing a modern education system of lifelong learning)。

六是提升一流人才培養與創新能力(improving cultivation process of first-class talents and their innovation capability)。

七是建設高素質專業化創新型教師隊伍(building a highly professional teaching staff with innovative aspirations)。

八是加快信息化時代教育變革(speeding up education reform in the information era)。

九是開創教育對外開放新格局(further opening the education sector to the world)。

十是推進教育治理體系和治理能力現代化(promoting education modernization in terms of management system and capacity)。


gender discrimination

A notice jointly released by nine bodies — including the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the All-China Women』s Federation, and the Supreme People』s Court — prohibits companies from prioritizing any candidate or rejecting any application based on gender. Employers can face fines of up to 50,000 yuan for publishing job ads with sexist requirements, while recruiting agencies may have their work permits revoked for severe discriminatory practices.


英語中的sexism一詞指的是prejudice or discrimination based on sex(基於性別的偏見或歧視),尤其指針對女性的歧視(discrimination against women),抱有這種性別歧視態度的人就稱為sexist。「性別歧視」更正式一些的說法是gender discrimination。而提倡性別平等(gender equality),抵制性別歧視的人群則是feminist(女權主義者),他們所倡導的理念就是feminism(女權主義)。

通知提出,各類用人單位、人力資源服務機構在招聘過程中不得詢問婦女婚育情況(asking female applicants about their marital or childbearing status),不得將妊娠測試作為入職體檢項目(requiring new employees to take pregnancy tests),不得將限制生育作為錄用條件(restricting births as a condition of employment),不得差別化地提高對婦女的錄用標準。


facial recognition


The facial recognition system can identify over 2,100 "suspected scalpers" who frequently come to make appointments at registration desks and sell them to others for a profit.



cat-paw mug


The limited edition mug has two layers. On the outside layer, pink cherry blossoms are printed onto light pink glass. The inside layer is in the shape of a cats paw that you can see when the mug is filled up.



Kim-Trump summit


Top leader of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump ended their summit, without a deal, on Thursday in Vietnams capital Hanoi, according to the White House.


Though the two leaders ended their meeting without any agreement, Kim and Trump had "very good and constructive meetings" and discussed various ways to "advance denuclearization and economic driven concepts," the statement from the White House said.

