[嘉言/ Wise Words] Follow your dreams. They know the way! 

We face so many crossroads in our lives,

just like walking down the 12th St. to the 1st St. along the Fifth Ave. at lower Manhattan.

We think it is a straight main avenue and we would never get lost...

Somehow the accidents always happen.

They force us to make a turn.

Every turn might trap us into an unknown situation that we did not expect and prepare for.

Sometimes we think that we might go wrong cz the way we chose has no one there.

Let's just stop and rest for a moment.

Maybe we are tired.

Maybe the way we choose is not the shortcut but a dead end instead.

We go back to the last crossroad and choose again.

No need to be depressed.

Our dreams will lead us to the right direction on the right way eventually.

Trust our instincts and trust ourselves.

We can make the dream come true. :)

Words:Catherine CM,2016/10/06
Oct 06, 2016 9:56pm
Photo:credit Jeff Fohey

