

     It is my first time to read a book like this one and it really gives me a deep impression. The illustrations in this book are all animals and the book contains two similar stories which are about parents. One of them starts from the cover and one of them starts from the back cover. Because of this, interestingly, there is actually no “back cover” for this book. These two stories are written upside down, so that readers can distinguish two different stories easily in the middle page of the book.

     Two stories in this book are almost the same except the characters. One is about what mothers can do for their children; one is about the same thing but happens on fathers. Although all the things mothers and fathers can do are the same, the illustrator describes the situation in different ways. For example, mothers can hold children when they feel sad. The illustration shows that a little rat is crying when he gets home. At this time, his mother gives him a warm hug. However, fathers can hold children when they feel sad, too. But the illustration is that a little fox breaks his bike and maybe gets hurt. The father fox also gives him a big warm hug. Through the different illustrations, people can figure out mothers and fathers’ traits easily. Fathers in the pictures seem to be stronger or braver than mothers. However, mothers can do what fathers do for their children, too.

     Readers can realize that how parents show their love to their children through reading this book. In the last paragraph of these two stories, it writes like this, “But best of all, mommies/ daddies can give you lots and lots of love.” And there are lots of illustrations of parents hugging their children around the texts. It is very warm when I read the book and the stories make me miss my parents very much. I almost burst into tears when I think of all the things my parents have done to me. It is very worth reading for everyone in the world.
