史黛拉一家人要去旅行了! 史黛拉在旅行前做了些什么准备呢 ? ......  摘录自  刘慧如老师主编 刘慧如老师与王筱筑老师合著 "英语不会太难,从生活出发就好" 一本增进基础生活英文、全民英检初级到中级的英文书。

旅游前准备情境1 我们要去旅行了 英语不必太难,从生活出发就好 - 全民英检英文书          

旅游前准备情境篇 情境1. 我们要去旅行了

史黛拉一家人要去旅行了! 史黛拉与妈妈在整理行李,同时也讨论一下准备的状况,史黛拉要怎么用英文来说呢 ? 


It's summer vacation. Though Stella is no longer a student, she still wants to feel the holiday.
Now that she has passed her evalution of probation and become part of the company officially, the company offers her a week off.
Her father happened to have the same week off, so they decided to go to Hawaii for a week.
However, they didn't arrange this trip early enough, so her brother who just started his summer vacation has to run ti travel agent to fetch the tickets.
Mother and Stella stay home and do the packing. Father is busy with something else we don't know. But one thing is for sure that they will enjoy their holiday on the beautifull Hawaiian beach.

现在是暑假, 虽然史黛拉部在是学生, 她仍然想要享受放假的感觉。既然她已经通过实习的评鉴, 且正式成为公司的一份子, 公司给他一个星期的假期。她爸爸碰巧也在同一个礼拜放假,所以她们决定去夏威夷一星期。然而她们没有及早安排行程,所以她刚放暑假的弟弟,必须跑到旅行社去拿机票;妈妈还有史黛拉待在家里做打包的工作;爸爸忙著一些我们不知道的事情。但是以一件事是确定的,那就是 :  她们会在美丽的夏威夷海滩享受她们的假期。

. no longer                  不再是
. evaluation                 评鉴
. happen to                  碰巧
. however                     然而
. arrange                      安排
. early enough               够早
. fetch                          取得
. do the packing             做打包的工作
. beach                         海滩


1. Did you  __________________ have Lily's address? Ididn't know where I put it and I need to talk to her now.

2. Kenneth  __________________ works for IBM though he used to be the head of their Taipei office.

3. I'm so nervous that I will receive my __________________ report from my supervisor today. Du you think he will give me any hard time?

4. Don't well me you haven't ________________  your 
_______________  yet. You do knowthe the plane is leaving in a few hours, right?

5. If you informed me __________________ , I would have enough time to prepare for that. But since you didn't tell me about it, it is too late for me to do anything now.


1. Where is Stella's family going on vacation?

2. Are they going to visit their friends?

3. Do you think Stella's brother is a student? Why?

4. Why did the company offer Stella a week off from work?

5. Why did Stella's mother buy that digital camera?

