
? 梅姨宣布辭職的時候,她的情緒怎麼樣?

? 「保守黨」用英文怎麼表達?

? 「上一任,前任」在英語中如何表達?

Brexit has destroyed another British Prime Minister. Three years after voters in the UK mandated(授權)their government to take Britain out of the European Union, Theresa Mays failure to do so has finally caught up with her.

"I have done my best," she said in an emotional (情緒激動的)statement on the steps of Downing Street(唐寧街). But as she admitted, it wasnt enough.

It always seems to end like this for leaders of Mays Conservative Party(保守黨), divided for years over Britains relationship with the European Union. Her predecessor(上一任), David Cameron, quit the morning after 52% of the UK voted to leave the EU, having presided over his own political miscalculation(判斷錯誤).

1. Three years after voters /in the UK /mandated their government /to take Britain out of the European Union, /Theresa Mays failure to do so /has finally caught up with her.


voter [?v??t?(r)] n.投票人

mandate [?m?nde?t] v.授權

failure [?fe?lj?(r)] n.失敗


1)mandate是授權的意思,比如:How much longer does the independent prosecutor have a mandate to pursue this investigation? 獨立檢察官受命調查這件事還要多長時間?

2)caught up with 的意思是趕上了…比如:He managed to catch up with the others. 他設法趕上了別人。



2. Her predecessor, /David Cameron, /quit the morning /after 52% of the UK /voted to leave the EU,/ having presided over his own political miscalculation.


predecessor [?pri?d?ses?(r)] n.前任

quit [kw?t] v.離開,離任

preside [pr??za?d] v.主持(會議)

miscalculation [?m?s?k?lkj??le???n] n.誤算,判斷錯誤


1)preside over在這裡是負責(重要局面),主持大局的意思,比如:It is beyond his power to preside over such an important meeting. 主持這樣重要的會議是他力所不能及的。

2)miscalculation是誤算,判斷錯誤的意思,比如:Well, theres always the risk of a miscalculation or an accident at sea. 呃,在海上總會有誤算的風險,也有發生事故的風險。




1. 「授權」用英語怎麼說?


2. 「情緒激動的」用英語怎麼說?


3. 「上一任」用英語怎麼說?


4. 請嘗試翻譯下面一段話

"I have done my best," she said in an emotional (情緒激動的)statement on the steps of Downing Street(唐寧街). But as she admitted, it wasnt enough.


英國首相特雷莎·梅宣布辭職時間後 各國政要這樣評價_0525網羅天下_騰訊視頻?

