

請看本班 **商貿英文書信課程** 中的天使祕笈 ( The outline to introduce yourself )~~~

 The outline to introduce yourself (利用大綱來介紹你自己)

Paragraph 1:  (簡單介紹自己的背景:名字/家鄉/教育)

  • Start with basic information , for instance, your name and hometown.
  • State what you studied, or if you are still studying, what your current eductional focus is.

​​​​​​​Paragraph 2:  (談論工作和自己相關的興趣)

  • Talk about general interests/hobbies.
  • If the introduction is being given in a professional setting, try to relate any outside interests to the responsibilities you would undertake at the company you are introducing yourself to.

Paragraph 3: (談論工作和自己相關的生活經驗)

  • Talk about some life experiences you've had.
  • Explain how experiences would make you suitable for the job.

Paragraph 4: (結尾藉由一些好話來介紹自己,感謝讀信的人,最後寫上自己的名字)

  • Concluded by saying something along the lines of how nice it will be to introduce yourself.
  • Thank the reader for taking time to know you.
  • Sign your name 


持續語言學習的熱情,就來全球通外語一趟吧~~ 全球通外語,報名熱線: 06-2883839。或搜尋FB粉絲網 或 Line: globalpassport54 
