Time to catch up my Pottermore since i had abandoned it for more than 1/2 year. Just love how author J.K Rowling make all HP scene so real in animation. I like how they let us experience to being a wizard, buying stuff from Diagon Alley, chosen the wand, the belonging house, making potion, learning spell...etc with lot of excitement. I just loveeeee it. 


Diagon valley  

Time for shopping before school start~at Diagon alley


 sorting hat 

Sorting hat, kawaii!!



 Yeah, chosen to be part of Ravenclaw.  Great house!!!


Potion making lesson awesome fun !!!!


COmpletion of Book I:The Sorcerer's Stone


great hall    

Total point accumulated from each house. Ravenclaw is 3rd place

Gonna catch up the point & at least beat Slytherin. Gryffindor is too strong

Pottermore House Cup will be awarded on July 5th soon, HP's fans out there, feel free to join pottermore, join Ravenclaw. 

Let the best House win. i can't wait for book II to release soon.

Add me too, i am CharmNox162


