大家好!華泰文化與劍橋大學出版社合作邁向十週年了!2018的劍橋年度師訓活動有特別的企劃,0421 在高雄及 0422 在臺北舉辦的師訓活動,特別設計不同的講者及講題,小編將活動資訊分開成兩篇文章為各位作介紹。

點我瞭解 0421 高雄場Cambridge Day資訊


今年臺北場的師訓活動特邀 Dr. Herbert Puchta—當代語言教育權威暨思維能力培養大師來臺演講!內容探討如何有效在英語課堂鍛鍊學童思維能力,並進一步增進其語言認知能力。另外,Herbert 也將帶領我們從心理學角度探討青少年學生特有的學習行為及模式,並提供英語教師對於教授該年齡層學生的實用建議。小編偷偷預告:師訓活動當天將有十週年的驚喜慶祝小活動,大家千萬別錯過囉!


活動時間 (Date & Time)

2018-04-22 ( Sun. ) 13:00 ~ 16:40

講者簡介 (Presenter Profile)

Dr. Herbert Puchta

—ELT and Thinking Skills Development Guru of Our Time


“Language learning isn’t just about language – it’s about how the brain stores information, content that appeals to students and, ultimately, helping learners to feel that they CAN SUCCEED!”


Herbert holds a Ph.D. in English Language Teaching Pedagogy and has over 30 years of experience in language teaching and research; he was also the former president of IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language). For decades, he has been diligently working on leading researches on the practical application of cognitive psychology and brain research to the teaching of English as a foreign language, which is remarkably fruitful. As a world renowned ELT researcher, author and education expert, he has been invited to be a plenary speaker at numerous international conferences and has conducted training workshops and seminars in more than 50 countries.

Dr. Puchta excels in language learning materials writing, and some of his famous works include Super Safari for learners aged 3 to 6, and the classic English in Mind for secondary learning. In recent years, his focus has been in thinking skills development with newly authored course books and teacher resource books of Think, Imagine That!, and Teaching Grammar Creatively etc, which are well received widely.

With high academic quality and effective teaching guidance, ELT course books of Dr. Puchta have won and been shortlisted frequently for numerous prestigious awards, including the British Council ELTons Award and the Duke of Edinburgh Award/the ESU Award.

(點我瞭解更多: 思維能力培養大師: Herbert Puchta 介紹)

講座議題 (Presentation Topic)

Presentation 1

Helping Pre-school Children and Young Learners to Think in English

Teaching English to pre-school and young learners in the digital era: Laying the foundations for life-long learning. Today’s young learners are growing up into an ever-changing and unpredictable world – a world that is characterised by instant availability of information, but at the same time an enormous information overload. As educators, we need to respond to this challenge. We can do this best by equipping our learners with key basic cognitive skills while they are still young. Research in cognitive science shows that these skills are important, because they lay the foundations for the higher-order thinking that is required for learners to develop the tools they will need for lifelong learning. That is, to assess and evaluate a vast expanse of data, to understand unexpected challenges, to think ‘outside the box’, to make decisions, to solve problems and to evaluate their own performance. Finally, we will discuss what we as teachers can do to help develop the ‘growth mindsets’ that our students need to foster their resilience, motivation, emotional engagement and creativity – all of which are needed for academic success.

Presentation 2

Fostering Responsibility and Response-Ability in the Teenage Classroom

Brain research reveals why teenagers are prone to risk-taking and irresponsible behaviour yet have amazing potential for cognitive development and social adaptability. Using this knowledge, we discuss how to help teens speak competently and confidently, by fostering their self-esteem and engaging them in clarification of values and critical thinking. Practical examples will come from Herbert’s new teen course, Think.

活動時間 (Schedule)

13:00-13:30 Registration  

13:30-13:40 Grand Opening

13:40-14:40 Presentation 1

14:40-15:20 Cambridge X Hwatai 

                       Celebration of 10-year partnership

                       & Tea Break

15:20-16:20 Presentation 2

16:20-16:40 Prize Drawing

活動地點 (Venue)

臺灣金融研訓院 菁業堂(2樓)

100 臺北市中正區羅斯福路三段62號

No. 62, Sec. 3, Roosevelt Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City

(Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance 2F)

報名資訊 (Registration)


報名費用ADMISSION:免費 (Free)

報名辦法REGISTRATION:須事先報名 (Required)                                    


(Please use our online registration system to register.)


(A text message will be sent to you to confirm your registration.)


(Anyone who attends the full conference will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance.)


Should you have any questions, please contact:

Hwa Tai Publishing 02-2162-1217 Ext. 165

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