webinar講題 Keeping younger learners motivated in the classroom


Keeping younger learners motivated in the classroom is not always an easy job! Understanding why learning a second language is so different from developing skills in, say, mathematics, helps us find ways to make the process of learning English more meaningful and memorable, as well as fun, of course! In this webinar, we’ll explore ways to engage young students of English (with their parents’ help at home) more enthusiastically and successfully!



臺灣時間2015/3/24 () 晚間11:00 - 2015/3/25() 凌晨0:00




Karen Saxby

Karen has been both a graphic artist and language teacher but is now a full-time writer of teaching and testing material for all levels of English, with a particular interest in producing material for young learners. Karen has a TEFL diploma, a first class degree in Linguistics and French and is also a Gestalt therapist. She is particularly interested in sociolinguists and storytelling. Karen Saxby has produced a wealth of material for younger learners of English, with published works including the Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers and Storyfun for Young Learners series as well as KET for Schools Trainer.



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