這兩周辦雖然遇到過年,不過還是覺得學到許多東西,不論是lumbar puncture, NE, 學習定位...,值班時跟學長姊去看會診,白天接病人與跟門診,也在02喫了許多零時,覺得科內的氣氛很棒。

記得有一次查房,遇到一位中風病人,他緩慢的比著自己的鼻胃管,家屬猜測伯伯的意思:「想要拔掉鼻胃管?」伯伯點點頭。家屬急切的說:「不行啦,你還不會吞,這樣會餓死!」隨後伯伯笑了,由於動作緩慢,笑的時間也延長許久。伯伯笑得這麼開心,我覺得他好可愛。看著他笑,我也笑了。這時致中醫師跟我們說:「這是emotional incontinence。(情緒失禁)」腦部中風後連帶影響到情緒表現。這就是實習醫師跟主治醫師的差別啊!


No greater opportunity, resposibility, or obligation can fall to the lot of a human being than to become a physician. In the case of the suffering, [the physician] needs technical skill, scientific knowledge, and human understanding... Tack, sympathy, and understanding are exoected of the physician, for the patient is not mere collection of symptoms, singns, disordered functions, damaged organs, and disturbed emotions. [The patient] is human, fearful and hopeful, seeking relief, help and reassurance.

