
Whenever you purchase a Korean album, you may often see this card.




Actually this card is a coupon of genie, a Korean digital audio website. By using it, you could listen to music 100 times and of cause it's free.



In the following time, a tutorial of how to use the coupon will be introduced.


首先來到genie的官網 / First of all, go to the official site of genie.


點擊右上角紅框處進行註冊 / Click the red box at the top right corner.


Since open a genie account need Korean TEL no, we use Facebook and Twitter account to link with the genie music. Login your Facebook / Twitter account and authorized.

全選 / Select All

輸入暱稱後檢查有否重覆 / Enter Nickname and check is it available

註冊這就告一段落,下一步要做的是登記序號 / After finish the registration, the next stop is to register the serial number,


回首頁登入 / Back to Main Page and Login

拉下去並點擊 / Scroll down and click

輸入序號 / Enter the code

完成 / DONE

去查看一下商品劵記錄 / Go to check the coupon status



緊接著的便是正式開始刷了 / Finally we could start the rushing


搜尋 / Search 소녀시대

跳到專輯欄並找到Mr.Mr. / Select Album and find Mr.Mr.



