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Breastfeeding is amazing in so many ways. From the intense bond it can help you form with your baby to the benefits it has on your baby’s health. There’s a reason breast milk is called “liquid gold” Breastfeeding is really a true gift from God, it is amazing how the body knows to produce and provide milk as soon as the baby is here. I have heard of some other fellow mums who struggled, with issues such as latching or milk production. Although at times I do wish I have more milk so I can keep more stored, but honestly I am just so thankful that my body is providing enough supply for my baby My daily routine these days is to feed, pump, change and put him to bed. I love every moment of it and I can’t wait to watch this little milk monster grow. I also feel so privileged when I can pump extra milk to allow my husband to then feed our son, giving them a chance to bond in their father and son time Sometimes I look at how much milk my body can pump out, and it really brings a joy to my face when my body can produce more than what my son needs! A lot of my friends have been asking what breast pump I am using, and Medela is the brand that have been bringing a smile to my day often lately! Simple pleasures of motherhood #Medela #Breastfeeding #BreastMilkPump #MotherhoodDuties #SimplePleasuresOfMotherood #MilkSupply #MilkMonster

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