


... 社區結構與在地經濟都是很重要的課題,要維持社區間的活絡,重建人與人、人與社區之間的無形連結,模仿生態係中各成員的網絡關係,將是一個解決方案,藉此來重新創造人與人之間的供需與情感的連結。


... 人與人的關係是可以模仿自然模式來經營社區的經濟力與幸福感的,而且世界各地早就有人在實踐了....


上網搜尋關於樸門的相關資訊,這裡是臺灣中文的網站資訊 http://www.permaculture.org.tw/resource


Re-imagining Urban Design and City Life http://permaculture.org.au/2012/03/07/re-imagining-urban-design-and-city-life/

Three ethics of permaculture 

Earth Care: The care of the earth is primordial, as the earth provides the essential elements of life for all living organisms. The health of the earth—the air, water, soil—will be reflected back in the health of all plants and animals (both human and non-human).

Care of Humans: Permaculture includes the care of humans, to ensure that people can meet their basic needs in a way that is respectful to the principle of earth care. We move away from a society based on individual material wealth, and toward a society based on values of empowerment, co-operation, and community.

Fairshare and limiting consumption: Permaculture envisions a fair sharing and distribution of the world’s resources, while also recognizing the finite nature of resources and our need to limit consumption and curb population growth. By adopting a simple lifestyle and limiting our resource use, surpluses can be re-directed to further the ethics of earth care and human care.

