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Less than two weeks to go until #RoyalVisitPakistan! صرف دو ہفتوں میں Today The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge joined His Highness The Aga Khan for a special event at the Aga Khan Centre, ahead of their official visit to Pakistan later this month. آج دی ڈیوک اور ڈچز آف کیمبرج نے اس ماہ میں پاکستان کے سرکاری دورے سے قبل ہز ہائنیس دی آغا خان کے ہمراہ آغا خان سینٹر میں منعقدہ ایک خصوصی تقریب میں شرکت کی۔ Organised in co-operation with the High Commission of Pakistan, today’s event showcased modern Pakistani culture, and saw The Duke and Duchess meet a range of people from Pakistan, including community leaders, those involved in British and Pakistani business, and key figures within the Diaspora community, including musicians, chefs and artists. پاکستان کے ہائی کمیشن کے تعاون سے منعقدہ، آج کی تقریب جدید پاکستانی ثقافت کی عکاس تھی جس کے دوران دی ڈیوک اور ڈچز آف کیمبرج ، پاکستانی کمیونٹی کے قائدین ، برطانیہ اور پاکستان کے درمیان کاروبار سے متعلق افراد اور پاکستانی نژاد موسیقاروں، فنکاروں اور شیف سے ملاقاتیں کرتے ہوئے نظر آئے ۔ The Aga Khan Development Network (@AKDN) has been working in Pakistan for over a century to improve the quality of life, promote pluralism, and enhance civil society. آغا خان ڈیویلپمنٹ نیٹ ورک ایک صدی سے زائد عرصے سے پاکستان میں معیارِ زندگی میں بہتری، اجتماعیت کے فروغ اور سول سوسائٹی کی ترویج کے لیے مصروفِ عمل ہے۔ 📷 Kensington Palace

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ZEEN Dazzling Ceramic Drops ($8美元) 。網上圖片

●平價耳環 X 名牌衫

凱特穿衣風格端莊優雅,不時更用一些平價首飾混搭名牌衣服,而且恰到好處,造型中透露著得體的高級美。Soru Jewellery是凱特其中一個鍾愛的首飾品牌,設計得體的高級品味讓凱特不錯過任何一個可以展現它的機會。早前,她陪同威廉王子在白金漢宮舉辦招待會時,以一襲銀光紅裙亮相,令人驚艷,當天戴的耳環是Soru Jewellery的紅寶石耳環,襯到絕。

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The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen, hosted a reception at Buckingham Palace to mark today’s UK-Africa 🇬🇧🌍 Investment Summit. At the reception The Duke spoke of his love of Africa, saying: • “The African continent holds a very special place in my heart. • It is the place my father took my brother and me shortly after our mother died. • And when deciding where best to propose to Catherine, I could think of no more fitting place than Kenya to get down on one knee.” • Today’s Summit brought together Heads of State and Government and senior representatives from African countries, key multilateral agencies and high-profile UK and African businesses to demonstrate the strength of the relationship between the UK and Africa. Earlier in the day The Duke held audiences with President @nakufoaddo 🇬🇭 of Ghana and President @PaulKagame 🇷🇼 of Rwanda at Buckingham Palace. The Duke and Duchess were joined at this evening's reception by The Princess Royal and The Earl and Countess of Wessex. The Countess was also celebrating her birthday today — Happy Birthday! Take a look at our Story 📱 to see more from behind the scenes at Buckingham Palace. Photos 📷 by Kensington Palace. #InvestinAfrica

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The Duchess of Cambridge this evening wearing the Ruby Earrings ❤️(stunning paired with a @needleandthreadlondon dress)

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In Cardiff The Duchess of Cambridge joined a baby sensory class at the Ely and Caerau Children’s Centre to hear about the support that parents and staff receive, and to talk about the #5BigQuestions on the Under 5s Survey. The launch of the survey follows eight years of work by The Duchess, in which she has explored how experiences in early childhood often lie at the root of the hardest social challenges the country faces today. What we experience in the earliest years – from in the womb to the age of five – is instrumental in shaping our future lives. It takes just 5 minutes to have your say in the biggest ever conversation on early childhood – click the link in our bio to answer the #5BigQuestions on the Under 5s.

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●佩戴次數最多的 Top 3品牌

「KiKi McDonough」水晶耳飾不過時

一向以得體穿衣風格示人的凱特,選擇配飾也有獨到的心經,往往找到與自己氣質相符的飾品,花費不多卻能讓人眼前一亮,而且保留了那份簡約的英式優雅,英國本土品牌KiKi McDonough正是這樣低調內斂的珠寶品牌。KiKi McDonough的飾品主打以水晶為原材料,但做工和材質完全不輸給奢華的貴價珠寶,總是秉持著一貫的清麗優雅風。



凱特經常戴著KiKi McDonough的耳環出席重要場合,在墜心周圍鋪滿一圈鑽石,光滑的枕型寶石耀眼而出眾,但又不會浮誇,令整體造型變得更精緻。

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The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, along with The Queen and Members of the Royal Family, attended Royal Ascot — today they were joined by The King and Queen of the Netherlands. Royal Ascot is an annual event attended by The Queen, who has had an interest in horses since childhood, and Members of the Royal Family. The week has become Britain's most popular race meeting, welcoming around 300,000 visitors over five days. Ascot Racecourse was founded by Queen Anne in 1711, and has since received the patronage of a further eleven monarchs. The Ascot summer race meeting officially became a Royal week in 1911. The Queen is owner and breeder of many thoroughbred horses and shares her interest in horses with many members of her family — and The Queen's own horses have won races at Royal Ascot a number of times. 📷 PA @theroyalfamily @koninklijkhuis #RoyalAscot

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品牌中很多款式均被凱特戴了又戴,例如經典的CITRINE PEAR DROP EARRINGS系列,凱特在很多公開的場閤中都佩戴過。羣鑲鑽石的閃耀奪目款式同樣贏得凱特的芳心,不論是日常還是公開活動,凱特都把它作為提升氣質的法寶,精巧的鑽石耳墜可以作為配角,為整體造型加分。




近兩年因凱特頻繁演繹,KiKi McDonough聲名大噪,英國民眾也對它趨之若鶩,其不過時的設計俘獲大批粉絲。

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This @_place2be #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek people across the UK are taking steps to be ‘Healthy: Inside and Out’. At Lavender Primary School The Duchess of Cambridge found out more about the support offered to students, teachers and parents to help with mental wellbeing — including the daily mile, a simple away to get children outside for 15 mins every day to run or jog at their own pace. The Duchess also joined a food diary activity, which focusses on the links between food choices and mood and feelings, and even met Herbie the school dog!

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「Links of London」王室訂婚氣勢

在倫敦誕生的Links of London猶如英倫文化開出的優雅之花,作為英國本土老牌代表,把魅力十足的英倫風格帶入首飾設計中,戴著它總能感受到原汁原味的英倫風情。作為英國殿堂級的珠寶品牌,凱特自然也傾心Links of London,當年訂婚佩戴的白晶耳環正是Links of London的Hope系列,閃亮的白水晶,在耳墜的搖曳間散發光芒,讓凱特在人生中重要的時刻,盡顯美態。


對於一向追求高端品質的Links of London,每件小小配飾都經過極為繁瑣的製作工序,有人將它比作與凱特氣質相同的珠寶品牌,精良雅緻,卻不刻意為之,雖然地位尊崇,卻帶著天然的親和力,讓人無法不為其優雅心悅誠服。


「Catherine Zoraida」清雅別致

除了大品牌,凱特也會發掘一些新晉設計師的漂亮設計,例如英國小眾品牌Catherine Zoraida的金葉子耳環,令凱特情有獨鐘,簡約大方的清雅設計,確實非常符合凱特的氣質。




Catherine Zoraida在自然界中不斷尋找靈感,包括植物、動物、海洋生物等,並將它們做成維肖維妙的造型,精緻的配飾總是能帶給人驚喜,讓每一件單品都充滿活力,關鍵是價格也很親民,千元左右即可Get凱特同款,試問絲打們怎能忍手不帶它們回家呢!
